Gingerbread cookies
Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.
The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.
Versiunea in limba romana:
· 320 g faina-
· 100 g unt
· 1 ou
· 1 lingurita rasa de bicarbonat-
· un praf de sare
· 2 linguri rase condiment pentru turta dulce
· 1 pliculet zahar vanilat
· Stafide brune
· Fulgi migdale
· Coaja de portocala
Mod de preparare:
Topim untul si il amestecam cu mierea
Intr-un alt bol punem faina, condimentele de turta dulce, zaharul vanilat si oul, le amestecam bine
Ulterior incorporam untul topit cu mierea in compozitia de la pasul 2
Framantam aluatul cu mana, este foarte usor de manipulat aluatul, nu va dura mult pana acesta devine omogen
Secretul acestei retete consta in timpul pe care aluatul il petrece in frigider
Eu am lasat aluatul in frigider peste noapte
A doua zi scoatem aluatul sa se incalzeasca cel putin 30 minute inainte de a fi intins, daca nu facem acest pas, aluatul va fi foarte greu de manipulat, deoarece nu se poate lucra usor cu el atunci cand este rece
Dupa ce aluatul s-a incalzit, l-am impartit in 3, in primul am adaugat coaja de portocala, al doilea stafide brune si in al treilea fulgi de migdale.
Cu ajutorul unui sucitor, intindem aluatul
Preincalzim cuptorul la 180 grade
Pe o tava asezam hartie de copt si cu ajutorul unor forme de biscuiti taiem aluatul in functie de preferinte
Punem turta dulce in tava si o coacem pentru 8-9 minute
English version:
• 320 g flour
• 100 g butter
• 200 g honey
• 1 egg
• 1 teaspoon of baking soda
• a pinch of salt
• 2 tablespoons grated seasoning for gingerbread
• 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
• Brown raisins
• Almond flakes
• Orange peel
Method of preparation:
1. Melt the butter and mix it with the honey
2. In another bowl put flour, gingerbread spices, vanilla sugar and egg, mix well
3. Then incorporate the melted butter with honey in the composition from step 2
4. Knead the dough by hand, it is very easy to handle the dough, it will not take long until it becomes homogeneous
5. The secret of this recipe is the time the dough spends in the refrigerator
6. I left the dough in the fridge overnight
7. The next day we take out the dough to heat up at least 30 minutes before it is spread, if we do not do this step, the dough will be very difficult to handle, because it is not easy to work with it when it is cold
8. After the dough has warmed up, I divided it into 3, in the first I added the orange peel, the second brown raisins and in the third almond flakes.
9. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough
10. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees
11. On a tray we place baking paper and with the help of some biscuit shapes we cut the dough according to preferences
12. Put the gingerbread in the pan and bake for 8-9 minutes