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Tarta cu vinete si ciuperci

Updated: May 17, 2020

Eggplant and mushrooms quiche

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

· Tip de reteta: Vegetariana

· Bucatarie: Frantuzeasca

· Timp de pregatire: 20 minute

· Timp de coacere: 40 minute

· Gata in: 60 minute

· Portii: 6

· Autor: Loredana Gavril


· 200 grame faina

· 200 grame unt

· 2 lingurite apa

· Sare

· 5 ciuperci brune

· 1 vanata

· 1 ceapa

· 4-5 usturoi

· 1 ardei gras

· 5 oua

· 1 ardei iute

· 100 grame sparanghel

· 200 grame mozzarella

· Ulei de masline

· Sare piper

Mod de preparare:

1. Punem faina intr-un bol cu ajutorul unei site

2. Adaugam sare

3. Taiem untul in cubulate mici si il adaugam in bol

4. Cu mainile o sa amestecam untul cu faina

5. Adaugam linguritele de apa si continuam sa amestescam cu mainile

6. Daca aluatul este prea uscat, adaugam inca o lingurita de apa

7. Aluatul trebuie sa fie ferm

8. Formam o bila din aluat si il acoperim cu folie alimentara

9. Punem aluatul in frigider pentru 20-30 minute

10. Scoatem aluatul din frigider si il intindem in functie de dimensiunea tavii

11. Preincalzim cuptorul la 180C

12. Asezam aluatul in tava speciala pentru tarte si il punem in cuptor pentru 10-15 minute

13. Spalam si taiem ciupercile si vanata

14. Intr-o tigaie incinsa adaugam ciupercile si vanata

15. Taiem ceapa, ardeiul gras, sparanghelul si usturoiul si le adaugam in tigaie

16. Adaugam sare si piper, amestecam bine

17. Batem ouale intr-un bol, adaugam sare, piper si mozzarella

18. Punem legumele din tigaie in mixul de oua, amestecam compozitia

19. Scoatem tava din cuptor adaugam mixul

20. Garnisim cu mozzarella rasa, rosii, ardei iute si sparanghel

21. Lasam tarta in cuptor pentru inca 15-20 minute



English version:

• Type of recipe: Vegetarian

• Cuisine: French

• Preparation time: 20 minutes

• Baking time: 40 minutes

• Ready in: 60 minutes

• Portions: 6

• Author: Loredana Gavril


• 200 grams flour

• 200 grams butter

• 2 teaspoons water

• Salt

• 5 brown mushrooms

• 1 eggplant

• 1 onion

• 4-5 garlic cloves

• 1 bell pepper

• 5 eggs

• 1 hot pepper

• 100 grams asparagus

• 200 grams mozzarella

• Olive oil

• Salt

• Pepper

Method of preparation:

1. Put the flour in a bowl with a sieve

2. Add salt

3. Cut the butter into small cubes and add it to the bowl

4. Mix with your hands the flour and butter

5. Add the teaspoons of water and continue to mix with your hands

6. If the dough is too dry, add another teaspoon of water

7. The dough must be firm

8. Form a ball of dough and cover it with cling film

9. Put the dough in the fridge for 20-30 minutes

10. Take the dough out of the fridge and spread it depending on the size of the tray

11. Preheat the oven to 180C

12. Place the dough in the special tart pan and put it in the oven for 10-15 minutes

13. Wash and chop the mushrooms and eggplant

14. In a hot pan add the mushrooms and eggplant

15. Cut the onion, bell pepper, asparagus and garlic and add them to the pan

16. Add salt and pepper, mix well

17. Beat eggs in a bowl, add salt, pepper and mozzarella

18. Put the vegetables in the pan in the egg mixture, mix the composition

19. Remove the tray from the oven, add the mix

20. Garnish with grated mozzarella, tomatoes, hot peppers and asparagus

21. Leave the quiche in the oven for another 15-20 minutes


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