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Ciuperci calite in sos de soya si mamaliguta cremoasa

Sauteed mushrooms in soya sauce with creamy polenta

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


Pentru mamaliguta avem nevoie de:

· 4 cani de apa

· o cana de faina de malai

· 2 linguri unt

· 50 grame parmesan

· 3 linguri smantana lichida

· Sare

Pentru mancarica de ciuperci avem nevoie de:

· 100 grame ciuperci champinion brune

· 4 lingurite sos de soya

· 3-4 catei de usturoi

· 1 lingurita ceapa uscata

· Sare

· Piper

· Cimbru proaspat- pentru garnisire

Mod de preparare:

1. Punem la fiert apa cu sarea

2. Cand incepe sa clocoteasca varsam treptat faina de porumb amestecand cu un tel.

3. Continuam sa amestecam la foc mic pana cand mamaliga incepe sa se ingroase si sa se desprinda de peretii vasului

4. Adaugam smantana lichida si amestecam bine

5. Punem parmezan ras sau bucatele si doua linguri de unt, amestecam bine pana cand se omogenizeaza

6. Spalam, taiem ciupercile si le punem intr-o tigaie

7. Adaugam usturoiul pisat, lingurita de ceapa uscata si doua lingurite de sos de soya

8. Cand lichidul a scazut punem cele doua lingurite de sos de soya ce au ramas

9. Condimentam cu sare si piper

10. Pe o farfurie asezam mamaliguta cremoasa, ciupercile calite si garnisim cu cimbru proaspat

Pofta buna!


English version:


For the creamy polenta we need:

• 4 cups of water

• one cup of corn flour

• 2 tablespoons butter

• 50 grams of parmesan

• 3 tablespoons double cream

• Salt

For the mushroom dish we need:

• 100 grams of brown champignon mushrooms

• 4 teaspoons soy sauce

• 3-4 cloves of garlic

• 1 teaspoon dried onion

• Salt

• Pepper

• Fresh thyme - for garnish

Method of preparation:

1. Boil water with salt

2. When it starts to boil, gradually pour in the corn flour, stirring with a whisk.

3. Continue to stir over low heat until the polenta begins to thicken and come off the walls of the pot.

4. Add the double cream and mix well

5. Put grated Parmesan and two tablespoons of butter, mix well until smooth

6. Wash, cut the mushrooms and put them in a pan

7. Add the crushed garlic, a teaspoon of dried onions and two teaspoons of soy sauce

8. When the liquid has dropped, add the remaining two teaspoons of soy sauce

9. Season with salt and pepper

10. Place the creamy polenta and the mushrooms on a plate

11. Garnish with fresh thyme.

Bon appetite!

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