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Mamaliguta pe gratar cu rosii cherry coapte si branza Feta

Grilled polenta with roasted cherry tomatoes and Feta cheese

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


· 4 cani de apa

· o cana de faina de malai

· 2 linguri unt

· 50 grame parmesan

· 3 linguri smantana lichida

· Sare

Garnisim cu:

· 10 Rosii cherry (preferabil chiorchine)

· 50 grame branza Feta

1. Punem la fiert apa cu sarea

2. Cand incepe sa clocoteasca varsam treptat faina de porumb amestecand cu un tel.

3. Continuam sa amestecam la foc mic pana cand mamaliga incepe sa se ingroase si sa se desprinda de peretii vasului

4. Adaugam smantana lichida si amestecam bine

5. Punem parmezan ras sau bucatele si doua linguri de unt, amestecam bine pana cand se omogenizeaza

6. Turnam mamaliguta intr-un vas de sticla dreptunghiular

7. Punem vasul in frigider pentru minim o ora, maxim pana a doua zi

8. Preincalzim cuptorul la 180C

9. Scoatem vasul din frigider, rasturnam continutul pe un tocator

10. Taiem mamaliguta in mai multe forme patrate

11. Pe aragaz am pregatit gratarul la foc mediu

12. Cand gratarul s-a incins asezam mamaliguta taiata

13. Lasam fiecare parte a mamaligutei pe gratar pentru 4-5 minute, insa verificam cu o spatula daca am obtinut urmele de la gratar

14. In momentul in care o parte este gata, intoarcem mamaliguta pe cealalta parte

15. Repetam pasii 12,13 si 14 pana cand toate bucatele sunt gatite

16. Intr-o tava punem rosiile cherry pe care le impungem cu o scobitoare, le stropim cu ulei de masline si condimentam cu sare

17. Punem tava in cuptorul incins pentru 10-15 minute

18. Taiem cuburi micute branza Feta

19. Pe o farfurie intinsa asezam mamaliguta si peste ea punem rosiile coapte si branza feta

20. Garnisim cu otet balsamic

Pofta buna!


English version:


For polenta we need:

• 4 cups of water

• one cup of corn flour

• 2 tablespoons butter

• 50 grams of parmesan

• 3 tablespoons liquid cream

• Salt

Garnish with:

• 10 cherry tomatoes (preferably cherry)

• 50 grams of Feta cheese

Method of preparation:

1. Boil water with salt

2. When it starts to boil, gradually pour in the corn flour, stirring with a whisk.

3. Continue to stir over low heat until the polenta begins to thicken and come off the walls of the pot.

4. Add liquid cream and mix well

5. Put grated Parmesan or pieces and two tablespoons of butter, mix well until smooth

6. Pour the polenta into a rectangular glass bowl

7. Put the dish in the refrigerator for at least an hour, at most until the next day

8. Preheat the oven to 180C

9. Remove the bowl from the refrigerator, pour the contents on a chopping board

10. Cut the polenta into several square shapes

11. On the stove prepare the grill over medium heat

12. When the grill is hot, place the sliced ​​polenta

13. Leave each part of the polenta on the grill for 4-5 minutes, but check with a spatula if we got the traces from the grill

14. When one side is ready, turn the polenta on the other side

15. Repeat steps 12, 13 and 14 until all the pieces are cooked

16. In a tray we put the cherry tomatoes that we prick with a toothpick, sprinkle them with olive oil and season with salt

17. Put the tray in the hot oven for 10-15 minutes

18. Cut small cubes of Feta cheese

19. On a flat plate place the polenta and over it put the roasted tomatoes and feta cheese

20. Garnish with balsamic vinegar

Bon appetite!

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