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Tagliatelle Verdi cu mix de ciuperci si sos de gorgonzola

Tagliatelle Verdi with mushroom mix and blue cheese sauce

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

Aceasta este o reteta pentru iubitorii de ciuperci, perfecta pentru un pranz de sambata.

· Tip de reteta: Vegetariana

· Bucatarie: Italiana

· Timp de pregatire: 5 minute

· Timp de coacere: 10-15 minute

· Gata in: 15-20 minute

· Portii: 2

· Autor: Loredana Gavril


· 300 grame Tagliatelle Verdi proaspete

· 50 grame ciuperci champinion

· 50 grame hribi

· 50 grame ghebe

· 3-4 catei de usturoi

· 50 ml smantana de gatit

· 150 grame gorgonzola

· Sare

· Piper

Optional: nuci sau caju pentru garnisire

Mod de preparare:

1. Punem pe foc o oala cu apa, condimentam cu sare

2. Taiam ciupercile champinion in jumatati si hribii

3. Intr-o tigaie punem ciupercile taiate, ghebele si usturoiul pisat, la foc mic

4. Condimentam cu sare si piper

5. In alta tigaie punem smantana lichida, sare si piper

6. Cand smantana s-a incalzit, adaugam gorgonzola peste

7. Scufundam pastele in apa ce a inceput sa fiarba si le vom lasa pentru 4-6 minute

8. In tigaie adaugam putina apa sa fiarba ciupercile

9. Strecuram pastele de apa si le punem peste sosul gorgonzola

*Am preferat sa nu adaug ciupercile in sos, le-am peste peste paste, insa daca doriti, puteti sa adaugati ciupercile in sosul gorgonzola si apoi sa adaugati si pastele.

10. Fierbem pastele impreuna cu sosul pentru 3-5 minute, in functie de preferinta

11. Intr-o farfurie punem pastele cu sosul gorgonzola, adaugam mixul de ciuperci peste si garnisim cu nuci/caju

Pofta buna!


English version:

This is a recipe for mushroom lovers, perfect for a Saturday lunch.

• Type of recipe: Vegetarian

• Cuisine: Italian

• Preparation time: 5 minutes

• Baking time: 10-15 minutes

• Ready in: 15-20 minutes

• Portions: 2

• Author: Loredana Gavril


• 300 grams of fresh tagliatelle

• 50 grams of champignon mushrooms

• 50 grams of ceps

• 50 grams of honey agaric

• 3-4 cloves of garlic

• 50 ml double cream

• 150 grams blue cheese

• Salt

• Pepper

Optional: walnuts or cashews for garnish

Method of preparation:

1. Put a pot of water on the fire, add salt

2. Cut the champignon mushrooms in half and the ceps

3. Add the chopped mushrooms, honey agaric and crushed garlic in a pan, the fire should be low

4. Add salt and pepper

5. In another pan put double cream, salt and pepper

6. When the cream has warmed up, add the blue cheese in the pan

7. Add the pasta in the water that has started to boil and leave it for 4-6 minutes

8. Add a little water to the pan to boil the mushrooms

9. Strain the pasta of water and add them over the Gorgonzola sauce

* I preferred not adding the mushrooms to the sauce but to put them over the pasta, if you want you can add the mushrooms in the Gorgonzola sauce, you can do so and then add the pasta.

10. Boil the pasta together with the sauce for 3-5 minutes, depending on preference

11. Put the pasta with the Gorgonzola sauce in a plate, add the mushroom mix and garnish with walnuts / cashews

Bon appetite!

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