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Paste cu rosii cherry si spanac

Spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and spinach

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

Aceasta este o reteta pentru iubitorii de paste, dar care contine mai putine calorii.

· Tip de reteta: Vegana

· Bucatarie: Italiana

· Timp de pregatire: 5 minute

· Timp de coacere: 10-15 minute

· Gata in: 15-20 minute

· Portii: 2

· Autor: Loredana Gavril


· 200 grame Spaghetti integrale

· 10 rosii cherry

· 50 grame spanac

· 3-4 catei de usturoi

· Sos de rosii

· 1 ceapa mica

· Sare

· Piper

Mod de preparare:

1. Punem pe foc o oala cu apa, adaugam sare

2. Taiam rosiile cherry in jumatati, usturoiul si ceapa

3. Punem legumele taiate intr-o tigaie, la foc mic

4. Condimentam cu sare si piper

5. Adaugam pastele in apa ce a inceput sa fiarba si le vom lasa pentru 6-8 minute

6. In tigaie adaugam spanacul spalat si sosul de rosii

7. Strecuram pastele de apa si le adaugam peste sosul nostru

8. Fierbem pastele impreuna cu sosul pentru 3-5 minute, in functie de preferinta

9. Garnisim cu chives sau busuioc proaspat

Pofta buna!


English version:

This is a recipe for pasta lovers, but has fewer calories.

• Type of recipe: Vegan

• Cuisine: Italian

• Preparation time: 5 minutes

• Baking time: 10-15 minutes

• Ready in: 15-20 minutes

• Portions: 2

• Author: Loredana Gavril


• 200 grams spaghetti

• 10 cherry tomatoes

• 50 grams of spinach

• 3-4 cloves of garlic

• Tomato sauce

• 1 small onion

• Salt

• Pepper

Method of preparation:

1. Place a pot with cold water on the stove

2. Cut the vegetables: the garlic, the onion and the tomatoes (in halves)

3. Put the chopped veggies in a pan over low heat

4. Put salt and pepper in the sauce

5. Add the pasta to the boiling water and leave it for 6-8 minutes

6. Add the washed spinach and tomato sauce to the pan

7. Strain the pasta and add it over our sauce

8. Boil the pasta together with the sauce for 3-5 minutes, depending on your preference

9. Garnish with chives or fresh basil

Bon appetite!

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