Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.
The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.
Versiunea in limba romana:
Aceasta este o reteta pentru iubitorii de paste.
• Bucatarie: Italiana
• Timp de pregatire: 5 minute
• Timp de coacere: 10-15 minute
• Gata in: 15-20 minute
• Portii: 2
• Autor: Loredana Gavril
• 200 grame ravioli de casa (reteta pentru acest ingredient urmeaza sa apara intr-o postare separata)
• 100 ml smantana lichida
• 50 grame parmezan
• 100 grame gorgonzola
• 50 grame mozzarella
• 50 grame emmenthaler
• 6 fire sparanghel proaspat
• Chives
• Sare
• Piper
• Nucsoara
Mod de preparare:
1. Intr-o tigaie punem smantana lichida, sare, piper si o lingura de nucsoara
2. Punem pe foc o oala cu apa si putina sare
3. Taiem branzeturile si le punem in tigaia cu smantana
4. Adaugam ravioli proaspeti in apa ce a inceput sa fiarba si ii lasam pentru maxim 4 minute
5. Strecuram pastele si le punem in sos
6. Fierbem pastele impreuna cu sosul pentru 3-5 minute, in functie de preferinta
7. Intr-o alta oala punem sparanghelul la fiert pentru 5 minute
8. Garnisim pastele cu chives si sparanghelul fiert.
Pofta buna!
English version:
This is a recipe for pasta lovers.
• Cuisine: Italian
• Preparation time: 5 minutes
• Baking time: 10-15 minutes
• Ready in: 15-20 minutes
• Portions: 2
• Author: Loredana Gavril
• 200 grams of fresh ravioli - the recipe will be written in a separate post
• 100 ml double cream
• 50 grams of parmesan
• 100 grams of gorgonzola
• 50 grams of mozzarella
• 50 grams of emmenthaler
• 6 pieces of fresh asparagus
• Chives
• Salt
• Pepper
• Nutmeg
Method of preparation:
1. In a pan put the liquid cream, salt, pepper and a tablespoon of nutmeg
2. Put a pot with water on the stove at medium heat, add salt
3. Slice the cheese and put it in the pan with the double cream
4. Add fresh ravioli to the boiling water and let them boil for a maximum of 4 minutes
5. Strain the pasta and add them in the sauce
6. Boil the pasta with the sauce for 3-5 minutes, depending on preference
7. In another pot, boil the asparagus for 5 minutes
8. Garnish the pasta with chives and the asparagus