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Fusilli Chorizo

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

Aceasta este o reteta pentru iubitorii de paste.

• Bucatarie: Italiana

• Timp de pregatire: 5 minute

• Timp de coacere: 10-15 minute

• Gata in: 15-20 minute

• Portii: 2

• Autor: Loredana Gavril


• 100 gr paste fusilli

• 100 grame salam chorizo

• 3-4 rosii

• 1 ceapa rosie mica

• 5 rosii cherry

• 50 grame spanac

• Busuioc proaspat

• Oregano proaspat

• 4 catei de usturoi

• Ulei de masline

• Sare

• Piper

Mod de preparare:

1. Punem pe foc o oala cu apa si putina sare

2. Taiam rosiile si le decojim

3. Taiem usturoiul si il punem impreuna cu rosiile intr-o tigaie, focul trebuie sa fie mic pe toata perioada pregatirii sosului

4. Ceapa rosie o taiem subtire si o adaugam intr-o tigaie separata cu putin ulei de masline, o calim cu grija, sa o caramelizam

5. Adaugam ceapa calita si uleiul de masline peste rosiile calite

6. Presam rosiile cu o lingura, astfel vom crea sosul de rosii de care avem nevoie pentru pastele noastre

7. Condimentam sosul cu sare si piper

8. Adaugam fusilli in apa ce a inceput sa fiarba si le vom lasa pentru 5-8 minute

9. Taiam chorizo rondele si il punem intr-o tigaie (fara ulei) la foc mediu

10. Prajim fiecare parte a salamului chorizo pentru 2-3 minute

11. Adaugam chorizo prajit in sos

12. In compozitia sosului punem frunzele de busuioc proaspat, oregano proaspat, spanacul si rosiile cherry

13. Strecuram pastele si le punem peste sos

14. Fierbem pastele impreuna cu sosul pentru inca 3-5 minute, in functie de preferinta

15. Garnisim cu chives si busuioc proaspat.

Pofta buna!


English version:

This is a recipe for pasta lovers.

• Cuisine: Italian

• Preparation time: 5 minutes

• Baking time: 10-15 minutes

• Ready in: 15-20 minutes

• Portions: 2

• Author: Loredana Gavril


• 100 gr Fusilli pasta

• 100 grams of Chorizo

• 3-4 tomatoes

• 1 small red onion

• 5 cherry tomatoes

• 50 grams of spinach

• Fresh basil

• Fresh oregano

• 4 cloves of Garlic

• Olive oil

• Salt

• Pepper

Method of preparation:

1. Put a pot of water on the stove at medium heat and add salt

2. Cut the tomatoes and peel them

3. Cut the garlic and put it together with the tomatoes in a pan, the heat must be low throughout the preparation of the sauce

4. Cut the red onion in thin slices and put it in a separate pan with a little olive oil, take care to caramelize it

5. Add the baked onion and olive oil over the baked tomatoes

6. Press lightly the tomatoes with a spoon, so as to create the tomato sauce we need for the pasta

7. Season the sauce with salt and pepper

8. Add the fusilli to the boiling water and leave for 5-8 minutes

9. Cut the Chorizo into slices and put it in a pan (without oil) over medium heat

10. Fry each part for 2-3 minutes

11. Add the fried Chorizo to the sauce

12. In the composition of the sauce put the fresh basil leaves, fresh oregano, spinach and cherry tomatoes

13. Strain the pasta and add it to sauce

14. Boil the pasta together with the sauce for 3-5 minutes, depending on your preference

15. Garnish with chives and fresh basil

Bon appetite!

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