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Supa crema de sfecla rosie

Beetroot soup

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana


· 4-5 bucati de sfecla prefiarta

· 1 ceapa alba

· 2-3 catei usturoi

· 2-3 frunze busuioc

· 1 rosie

· Supa de legume

· Sare

· Piper

· Ulei de masline

Mod de preparare:

1. Curatam si taiem ceapa si usturoiul

2. Intr-o oala punem ulei de masline si adaugam ceapa, usturoiul si rosia taiata

3. Dupa 2-3 minute punem bucatile de sfecla prefiarta si 150 ml de supa de legume

4. Condimentam cu sare si pieper

5. Adaugam frunzele de busuioc proaspat

6. Dupa 15 minute, scoatem oala de pe foc si folosim blenderul vertical pentru a transforma legumele in supa crema

7. Garnisim cu smantana lichida, crutoane, seminte, nuci, in functie de preferinte

Pofta buna!


English version:


• 4-5 pieces of pre-cooked beets

• 1 white onion

• 2-3 cloves of garlic

• 2-3 basil leaves

• 1 tomato

• Vegetable soup

• Salt

• Pepper

• Olive oil

Method of preparation:

1. Peel and chop the onion and garlic

2. In a pot put olive oil and add onion, garlic and chopped tomato

3. After 2-3 minutes, put the pieces of pre-cooked beets and 150 ml of vegetable soup

4. Season with salt and pepper

5. Add the fresh basil leaves

6. After 15 minutes, remove the pot from the heat and use the vertical blender to turn the vegetables into cream soup.

7. Garnish with liquid cream, croutons, seeds, nuts, depending on preferences

Bon appetite!

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