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Supa crema de rosii de gradina

Creamy Tomatoes Soup

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

· Tip de reteta: Vegetariana

· Gata in: 15 minute

· Portii: 2


· 4-5 rosii mari de gradina

· O ceapa mare

· 2 catei de usturoi

· 1 ardei iute

· 2-3 rosii uscate

· Cimbru proaspat

· Busuioc proaspat

· Ulei de masline

· Sare

· Piper

· Smantana lichida

· Seminte de dovleac

· Crutoane

Mod de preparare:

1. Spalam rosiile, le taiem cuburi si le punem intr-o oala impreuna cu putin ulei de masline

2. Taiem ceapa in bucati mari si o punem in oala

3. Adaugam ardeiul iute, rosiile uscate, sare, piper, cimbru, busuioc si amestecam bine

4. Dupa 5 minute, scoatem oala de pe foc si folosim un blender vertical pentru a transforma legumele in supa crema

5. Punem din nou oala pe foc pentru inca 2-3 minute

6. Garnisim cu smantana lichida, seminte de dovleac prajite sau crutoane


English version:

• Type of recipe: Vegetarian

• Preparation time: 5 minutes

• Ready in: 15 minutes

• Portions: 2


• 4-5 large garden tomatoes

• A large onion

• 2 cloves of garlic

• 1 hot pepper

• 2-3 dried tomatoes

• Fresh thyme

• Fresh basil

• Olive oil

• Salt

• Pepper

• Liquid cream

• Pumpkin seeds

• Croutons

Method of preparation:

1. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into cubes and put them in a pot with a little olive oil

2. Cut the onion into large pieces and put it in the pot

3. Add hot peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, salt, pepper, thyme, basil and mix well

4. After 5 minutes, remove the pot from the heat and use a vertical blender to turn the vegetables into cream soup.

5. Put the pot on the fire again for another 2-3 minutes

6. Garnish with liquid cream, fried pumpkin seeds or croutons

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