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Shaorma din piept de pui cu cartofi prajiti

Shawarma with fries

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba Romana:


· 300 grame piept de pui

· 4 cartofi albi, medii

· Ulei de floarea soarelui

· Sare

· ½ lingurita fulgi Chilly- daca nu doriti ca preparatul final sa fie usor picant, atunci nu adaugati fulgii de Chilly

· ½ lingurita pudra de usturoi

· 1 lingurita Paprika dulce

· 50 grame branza Cheddar

· Condiment gyros

· Sos de rosii facut in casa

· 3 catei de usturoi

Mod de preparare:

1. Taiem pieptul de pui in cuburi si il condimentam cu amestec gyros

2. Amestecam bine pieptul de pui cu condimentele si il lasam cateva minute

3. Decojim cartofii

4. Punem tigaia cu uleiul de floarea soarelui la incins

5. Taiem cartofii in jumatate, apoi in rondele, din nou in jumatate apoi impartiti in 3 bucatile taiate inainte.

6. Adaugam cartofii taiati in uleiul incins, ii prajim pe ambele parti pana obtinem culoarea aurie

7. In alta tigaie punem putin ulei de floarea soarelui, cand uleiul s-a incins punem carnea de piept de pui si cateii de usturoi taiati

8. Prajim fiecare parte pentru 3-4 minute si adaugam sosul de rosii facut in casa, lasam pe foc inca 10 minute

9. Scoatem cartofii prajiti pe prosop de hartie

10. Dupa ce excessul de ulei a fost absorbit de prosopul de hartie, adaugam cartofii prajiti intr-un bol de plastic

11. Condimentam cartofii cu sare, fulgi Chili, usturoi pudra si Paprika dulce

12. Pentru a amesteca bine, bolul trebuie rotit stanga-dreapta, incercati sa ridicati incet cartofii, ca si cum doriti sa intoarceti o clatita, insa mult mai putina forta

13. Peste cartofii condimentati o sa radem branza Cheddar

14. Intr-o farfurie punem shaorma

15. Pe langa cartofii prajiti si shaorma am pus si porumb gatit pe gratar si ardei iute, insa puteti sa serviti cu ce legume va doriti


English version:


• 300 grams of chicken breast

• 4 medium white potatoes

• Sunflower oil

• Salt

• ½ teaspoon of chilly flakes - if you do not want the final preparation to be slightly spicy, then do not add chilly flakes

• ½ teaspoon garlic powder

• 1 teaspoon sweet pepper

• 50 grams of Cheddar cheese

• Gyros condiment

• Homemade tomato sauce

• 3 cloves of garlic

Method of preparation:

1. Cut the chicken breast into cubes and season with gyros

2. Mix the chicken breast well with the spices and leave it for a few minutes

3. Peel the potatoes

4. Heat the pan with the sunflower oil

5. Cut the potatoes in half, then into rounds, again in half then divide into 3 pieces cut before.

6. Add the chopped potatoes in the hot oil, fry them on both sides until you get the golden color

7. In another pan put a little sunflower oil, when the oil has heated put the chicken breast and chopped garlic cloves

8. Fry each part for 3-4 minutes and add the homemade tomato sauce, leave it on the fire for another 10 minutes

9. Remove the French fries on a paper towel

10. After the excess oil has been absorbed by the paper towel, add the French fries in a plastic bowl

11. Season the potatoes with salt, chili flakes, garlic powder and sweet paprika

12. To mix well, the bowl should be rotated left and right, try to slowly lift the potatoes, as if you want to turn a pancake, but much less force

13. Over the seasoned potatoes we will grate the Cheddar cheese

14. Put shawarma on a different plate

15. In addition to French fries and shawarma, I also put grilled corn and hot peppers, but you can serve them with whatever vegetables you want.

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