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Salata fresh cu farfalle usturoi si zeama de lamaie

Updated: May 17, 2020

Farfalle Salad with garlic and fresh lemon zest

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

Aceasta salata este speciala datorita aromelor obtinute din mixul legumelor mentionate mai jos. Sosul acestei salate este compus din mujdei, patrunjel si zeama de lamaie. Nu este necesar alt tip dressing.

Veti observa ca acest preparat contine o cantitate redusa de farfalle si asta pentru ca dorim sa avem o reteta light si sa punem accent pe legume si vitamine.

· Tip de reteta: Vegana

· Bucatarie: Italiana

· Timp de pregatire: 15 minute

· Timp de fierbere: 5 minute

· Gata in: 15 minute

· Portii: 2

· Autor: Loredana Gavril


· 12 farfalle integrale

· 50 grame Fetica

· 8 bucati Rosii cherry

· 1 Ceapa rosie mica

· 2 fire Ceapa verde

· Ardei gras-mic

· 8 catei de usturoi

· Ulei de masline

· Cateva fire de patrunjel proaspat

· 8 bucati Caju

· Ardei Cayenne uscat- acest ingredient se poate elimina daca nu preferati alimentele picante

· Sare

· Piper

· Zeama de lamaie

Mod de preparare:

1. Se pune pe foc oala cu apa calduta, se adauga sare

2. In timp ce asteptam apa sa fiarba, spalam legumele

3. Se aseaza intr-un bol de plastic fetica spalata

4. Taiam rosiile cherry, ardeiul gras in bucati mici. Se aseaza peste fetica, in bolul de plastic

5. Pentru a obtine rondele frumoase feliem ceapa rosie si ceapa verde, le adaugam in bol

6. Intre timp apa a inceput sa fiarba si adaugam farfalle in apa, le vom lasa sa fiarba 5 minute

7. Acum o sa lucram la compozitia mujdeiului. Curatam cateii de usturoi si ii presam cu o ustensila speciala pentru presarea usturoiului.

8. Vom adauga intr-un vas mic usturoiul zdrobit, adaugam sare si cateva picaturi de ulei de masline, amestecam bine si mai adaugam inca cateva picaturi de ulei pana omogenizam compozitia si ajungem la consitenta dorita

9. Taiem marunt patrunjelul proaspat si il adaugam peste mujdei

10. Strecuram pastele de apa si le adaugam peste legumele taiate

11. Adaugam mujdeiul, piperul, sarea si zeama de lamaie peste compozitia pe care o avem in bol

12. Amestecam bine

13. Garnisim cu bucatile marunte de caju, patrunjel proaspat


English version:

This salad is special due to the flavors obtained from the vegetable mix mentioned below. The sauce of this salad is composed of garlic paste, parsley and lemon juice. No other type of dressing is required. Also, there aren’t as many farfalle as you would expect in a pasta salad, but for this recipe we want to keep it light. The focus in on the vegetables.

• Type of recipe: Vegan

• Cuisine: Italian

• Preparation time: 15 minutes

• Boiling time: 5 minutes

• Ready in 15 minutes

• Portions: 2

• Author: Loredana Gavril


• 12 pcs farfalle

• 50 grams Lamb's Lettuce

• 8 pieces Cherry tomatoes

• 1 small red onion

• 2 green onions

• Small bell peppers

• 8 cloves of garlic

• Olive oil

• A few sprigs of fresh parsley

• 8 pieces Cashew

• Dried cayenne pepper - this ingredient can be eliminated if you do not prefer spicy foods

• Salt

• Pepper

• Lemon juice

Method of preparation:

1. Put the pot with warm water on the fire, add salt

2. While waiting for the water to boil, wash the vegetables

3. Place the washed Lamb's Lettuce in a plastic bowl

4. Cut the cherry tomatoes, bell peppers into small pieces. It is placed over the Lamb's Lettuce, in the plastic bowl

5. To obtain beautiful rounds, slice red onions and green onions, add them to the bowl

6. Meanwhile the water started to boil and we add farfalle in the water, we will let them boil for 5 minutes

7. Now we will work on the composition of the garlic paste. We clean the garlic cloves and press them with a special tool for pressing the garlic.

8. We will add the crushed garlic in a small bowl, we add salt and a few drops of olive oil, we mix well and we add a few more drops of oil until we homogenize the composition and we reach the desired consistency.

9. Finely chop the fresh parsley and add it over the sauce

10. Strain the pasta and add it over the chopped vegetables

11. Add the juice, pepper, salt and lemon juice over the composition we have in the bowl

12. Mix well

13. Garnish with small pieces of cashews, fresh parsley

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