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Legume la cuptor cu miere

Roasted honey glazed vegetables

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

Aceasta reteta este perfecta pentru garnitura sau pentru perioada postului, deoarece este o reteta vegana.


· 6 morcovi mici

· 8 fire sparanghel alb

· 6 rosii cherry

· 1 andiva

· Miere

· Sare

· Ulei de masline

· Rozmarin proaspat

Metoda de preparare:

1. Preincalzim cuptorul la 180C

2. Spalam legumele

3. Taiem andiva in doua

4. Asezam legumele intr-un vas termo rezistent

5. Condimentam cu sare si punem ulei de masline si rozmarin peste legume

6. Dupa 10 minute scoatem vasul din cuptor si picuram mierea peste toate legumele

7. Dupa 5 minute intoarcem legumele pe cealalta parte si le lasam sa coaca pentru inca 5 minute

8. Scoate legumele din cuptor si le asezam pe un platou

Pofta buna!


English version:

This recipe is perfect for garnish or for fasting because it is a vegan recipe.


• 6 small carrots

• 8 white asparagus threads

• 6 cherry tomatoes

• 1 endive

• Honey

• Salt

• Olive oil

• Fresh rosemary

Preparation method:

1. Preheat the oven to 180C

2. Wash the vegetables

3. Cut the endive in half

4. Place the vegetables in a heat-resistant dish

5. Season with salt and put olive oil and rosemary over the vegetables

6. After 10 minutes, take the bowl out of the oven and drip the honey over all the vegetables

7. After 5 minutes, turn the vegetables on the other side and let them cook for another 5 minutes

8. Remove the vegetables from the oven and place them on a plate

Good appetite!

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