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Reteta Cei Mai Buni Cartofi Prajiti

Updated: May 17, 2020

The Best Fried Potatoes Recipe

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Limba Romana:

Aceasta reteta este usor de preparat, ceea ce e diferit la aceasta reteta fata de cartofi prajiti in mod traditional, este forma in care acestia sunt taiati si aromele ce sunt adaugate dupa ce cartofii sunt prajiti.

Merita incercata, gustul este deosebit.

· Tip de reteta: Vegetariana/Vegana

· Timp de pregatire: 5 minute

· Timp de coacere: aproximativ 15 minute

· Gata in: 20 minute

· Portii: 2

· Autor: Loredana Gavril


· 4 cartofi albi, medii

· Ulei de floarea soarelui

· Sare

· ½ lingurita fulgi Chili- daca nu doriti ca preparatul final sa fie usor picant, atunci nu adaugati fulgii de Chili

· ½ lingurita pudra de usturoi

· 1 lingurita Paprika dulce

· 2-3 fire de patrunjel verde

· 2-3 fire chives (Chives (arpagic) este o planta care se aseamana cu ceapa, are gust de ceapa/usturoi insa nu atat de proeminent.)

· Optional: Branza Feta- recomand sa incercati. (Am incercat cu mai multe tipuri de branza aceasta reteta, insa cel mai bun gust a fost obtinut utilizand branza Feta)

Mod de preparare:

1. Decojiti cartofii

2. Puneti tigaia cu uleiul de floarea soarelui la incins

3. Taiati cartofii in jumatate, apoi in rondele, din nou in jumatate apoi impartiti in 3 bucatile taiate inainte.

4. Adaugati cartofii taiati in uleiul incins

5. Se vor praji pe ambele parti pana obtineti culoarea aurie

6. Se scot cartofii prajiti pe prosop de hartie

7. Dupa ce excessul de ulei a fost absorbit de prosopul de hartie, adaugati cartofii prajiti intr-un bol de plastic

8. Se adauga sarea, fulgii Chilly, usturoiul pudra si Paprika dulce peste cartofii prajiti

9. Pentru a amesteca bine, bolul trebuie rotit stanga-dreapta, incercati sa ridicati incet cartofii, ca si cum doriti sa intoarceti o clatita, insa mult mai putina forta*

*Nu folosesc paleta de amestecat pentru ca nu isi va face treaba la fel de bine ca si circumferinta bolului

Reteta pe care am facut-o eu este vegana, insa pentru extra aroma, recomand sa:

10. Cu mainile incercati sa maruntiti branza feta peste cartofii prajiti, repetati procesul de amestecare, pentru a omogeniza combozitia

11. Taiati marunt patrunjelul proaspat si chives si garnisiti cu acestea

Aceasta este genul de reteta dupa care “iti lingi degetele” pentru cat este de buna si aromata.


English version

This recipe is easy to prepare, what is different about this recipe compared to traditional French fries, it is the way the potatoes are cut and the flavors are added after the fries are fried.

It is worth a try; the taste is special <3

• Recipe type: Vegetarian / Vegan

• Preparation time: 5 minutes

• Baking time: about 15 minutes

• Ready for: 20 minutes

• Portions: 2

• Author: Loredana Gavril


• 4 white potatoes, medium

•Sunflower oil


• ½ teaspoon chili flakes - if you do not want the final preparation to be slightly spicy then do not add the chili flakes

• ½ teaspoon of garlic powder

• 1 tsp sweet paprika

• 2-3 strands of green parsley

• 2-3 yarn chives (Chives is a plant that resembles onion, tastes of onion / garlic but not so prominent)

• Optional: Feta cheese - I recommend you try. (I tried this recipe with several types of cheese, but the best taste was obtained using Feta cheese)

Method of preparation:

1. Peel the potatoes

2. Put the pan with sunflower oil on the heat

3. Cut the potatoes in half, then in the rounds, again in half and then divide into 3 pieces cut beforehand.

4. Add the cut potatoes to the hot oil

5. They will fry on both sides until you get the golden color

6. Take the fries on the paper towel

7. After the excess oil has been absorbed by the paper towel, add the fried potatoes in a plastic bowl.

8. Add salt, Chili flakes, garlic powder and sweet paprika over fried potatoes.

9. To mix well, the bowl should be rotated left-right, try to slowly raise the potatoes, as if you want to turn a pancake, but much less force *

* I do not use the mixing paddle because it will not do its job as well as the bowl circumference to mix everything together

The recipe I made is vegan, but for the extra flavor, I recommend:

10. With your hands try to grind the feta cheese over the fried potatoes, repeat the mixing process, to homogenize the combustion

11. Chop fresh parsley and chives and garnish with these

This is a finger licking recipe!

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