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Chiftelute de legume- reteta vegana

Vegetable “Meatballs”- vegan recipe

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

Aceast preparat este plin de arome naturale. Gustul dulceag de la morcovi, porumb si aromele de la ceapa verde alinta papilele gustative. Chiftelutele pot sa fie coapte si in cuptor, fara ulei, insa gustul deosebit este obtinut prin prajire, nu coacere.


· 350 grame conopida

· 100 grame Porumb dulce

· 4 fire ceapa verde

· 3 morcovi

· Sare

· Ulei de masline

· Piper

· Faina


Mod de preparare:

1. Fiebem conopida pentru 20-25 minute, sau pana cand a fiert complet

2. Intr-o alta oala fierbem porumbul si morcovii pentru 10 minute

3. Punem intr-un blender conopida fiarba si mixam pana ajunge la consitenta unui pireu

4. Intr-un bol de plastic punem conopida mixata, adaugam porumbul, morcovii taiati marunt si ceapa verde taiata rondele

5. Amestecam bine, condimentam cu sare si piper

6. In bolul de plastic adaugam doua linguri de faina, continuam sa amestecam mixul

7. Intr-o farfurie punem putina faina

8. Ne ajutam de o lingura sa formam chifteluta si o punem in farfuria cu faina

9. Acoperim chifteluta din legume cu faina

10. Pe un tocator de lemn punem putina faina si asezam chifteluta formata

11. Repetam pasii 8-10 pana cand toate chiftelutele sunt formate

12. Intr-o tigaie punem putin ulei de masline si pornim focul la intensitate medie

13. Cand uleiul s-a incins asezam pe rand chiftelutele in tigaie

14. Prajim fiecare parte a chiftelutei 3-4 minute sau pana cand este obtinuta culoarea dorita

Recomand ca aceste chiftelute sa fie servite cu sos de usturoi sau sos de iaurt cu lamaie.

Aceasta reteta este vegana, potrivita pentru perioada postului.


English version:

This recipe is full of natural flavors. The sweet taste of carrots, corn and the flavors of green onions create a lovely journey for the taste buds. The meatballs can also be baked in the oven, without oil, but the special taste is obtained by frying, not baking.


• 350 grams of cauliflower

• 100 grams of sweet corn

• 4 green onions

• 3 carrots

• Salt

• Olive oil

• Pepper

• Flour

Method of preparation:

1. Boil the cauliflower for 20-25 minutes, or until fully cooked

2. In another pot, boil the corn and carrots for 10 minutes

3. Put the boiled cauliflower in a blender and mix until it reaches the consistency of a puree

4. In a plastic bowl put the mixed cauliflower, add the corn, finely chopped carrots and sliced ​​green onions.

5. Mix well, season with salt and pepper

6. In the plastic bowl add two tablespoons of flour, continue to mix well

7. Put a little flour in a plate

8. Use a spoon to form the “meatball” and put it in the flour prepared in the step above

9. Cover the vegetable “meatball” with flour

10. Put a little flour on a wooden chopper and place the formed meatball

11. Repeat steps 8-10 until all the “meatballs” are formed

12. Put a little olive oil in a pan and turn the heat to medium

13. When the oil has heated up, place the “meatballs” in the pan one by one

14. Fry each part of the “meatball” for 3-4 minutes or until the desired color is obtained

I recommend that these “meatballs” be served with garlic sauce or yogurt sauce with lemon.

This recipe is vegan, suitable for the fasting period.

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