Parmigiana Eggplant- new & different recipe
Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.
The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.
Versiunea in limba romana:
· 1 vanata mare
· 50 grame crema de branza
· 200 ml sos de rosii
· 2-3 linguri parmesan
· Sare
· Patrunjel verde
Mod de preparare:
1. Taiem felii vanata, de aproximativ 1 cm, condimentam cu sare
2. Pe gratarul incins asezam feliile de vanata si acoperim gratarul
3. Lasam fiecare parte pe gratar minim 2 minute
4. Scoatem feliile de vanata pe de gratar, le lasam cateva minute sa se raceasca
5. Preincalzim cuptorul la 180C
6. Cu o spatula punem crema de branza pe lungul feliilor de vanata si rulam din capatul cel mai mic spre cel mai mare
7. Intr-un vas rezistent la coacere asezam sosul de rosii si peste acesta rulourile formate anterior
8. Garnisim cu sos de rosii si cu parmezan
9. Lasam vasul in cuptor pentru 10-15 minute
Pofta buna!
English version:
• 1 large eggplant
• 50 grams of cream cheese
• 200 ml tomato sauce
• 2-3 tablespoons parmesan
• Salt
• Green parsley
Method of preparation:
1. Cut the eggplant into slices, season with salt
2. Place the eggplant slices on the hot grill and cover the grill
3. Gill each part for at least 2 minutes
4. Remove the eggplant slices from the grill, let them cool for a few minutes
5. Preheat the oven to 180C
6. Using a spatula, place the cream cheese along the eggplant slices and roll from the smallest end to the largest.
7. In a baking dish place the tomato sauce and over it the rolls previously formed
8. Garnish with tomato sauce and Parmesan
9. Leave the dish in the oven for 10-15 minutes
Good appetite!