Easy Fudgy Brownie Recipe
Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.
The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.
Versiunea in Limba Romana:
· Tip de reteta: Desert
· Bucatarie: Americana
· Timp de pregatire: 15 minute
· Timp de coacere: 30 ore
· Gata de servire in maxim: 45 minute
· Portii: 4
· Autor: Loredana Gavril
· 200 gr Ciocolata neagra
· 100 g unt
· 3 oua
· 200 gr zahar
· 100 gr zahar brun
· 100 gr faina
· 20 gr cacao
· Sare
· Esenta de vanilie
Mod de preparare:
1. Preincalzim cuptorul la 180C si punem o oala cu apa la fiert
2. Pregatim tava in care o sa punem compozitia, o sa ungem cu unt tava si adaugam prima hartie de copt pe o parte a tavii
3. Ungem cu unt hartia de copt si peste prima hartie de copt mai adaugam inca una ca sa acoperim si cealalta parte a tavei
4. Taiem ciocolata neagra in bucatele mici
5. Adaugam ciocolata si untul intr-un bol de sticla
6. Punem bolul peste oala cu apa si amestecam ciocolata si untul pana se topesc complet
7. Lasam bolul sa se raceasca
8. Intr-un bol de plastic adaugam zaharul alb si cel brun
9. Pe rand o sa adaugam ouale, amestecand bine
cu telul
10. Adaugam o lingurita de sare si esenta de vanilie
11. Ciocolata topita este adaugata mixului final
12. Faina si pudra de cacao se cern printr-o sita marunta
13. Cu grija amestecam ingredientele de mai sus, sa nu se faca cocoloase
14. Asezam in tava compozitia
15. Garnisim cu ciocolata si fulgi de migdale
16. Punem tava in cuptorul preincalzit
17. Dupa primele 10 minute scoatem tava din cuptor si o izbim usor pe blatul din bucatarie (astfel vom obtine acele crapaturi de aluat)
18. Lasam compozitia din tava sa se coaca pentru inca 20-22 minute
19. Scoatem tava din cuptor, lasam sa se raceasca si cu ajutorul unui cutit pus intr-un vas cu apa fierbinte, o sa incepem sa taiem prajitura
20. Stergem cutitul cu un prosop de hartie dupa fiecare taietura
English Version:
• Recipe type: Desert
• Cuisine: American
• Preparation time: 15 minutes
• Baking time: 30 hours
• Ready to serve in maximum: 45 minutes
• Portions: 4
• Author: Loredana Gavril
· 200 gr Dark Chocolate
· 100 g butter
· 3 eggs
· 200 gr granulated sugar
· 100 gr brown sugar
· 100 gr all-purpose flour
· 20 gr cocoa powder
· Salt
· Vanilla essence
Method of preparation:
1. Preheat the oven to 180C and put a pot of water to boil
2. Prepare the tray in which we will put the composition, we will grease the tray with butter and add the first baking paper
3. Grease the baking paper with butter and add another baking paper to cover the other side of the tray.
4. Cut the dark chocolate into small pieces
5. Add the chocolate and butter in a glass bowl
6. Place the bowl over the pot with water and mix the chocolate and butter until completely melted
7. Let the bowl cool
8. In a plastic bowl add the white sugar and the brown sugar
9. One by one we will add eggs, mixing well with the whisk
10. Add a teaspoon of salt and vanilla essence
11. Melted chocolate is added to the mix created
12. Sift the cocoa flour and powder through a small sieve
13. Carefully mix the ingredients, so as not to become lumpy
14. Place the composition in the tray
15. Garnish with chocolate and almond flakes
16. Put the tray in the preheated oven
17. After the first 10 minutes, take the tray out of the oven and tap it lightly on the kitchen counter
18. Let the composition bake for another 20-22 minutes
19. Remove the tray from the oven, let it cool and with the help of a knife placed in a bowl of hot water, we will start to cut the cake
20. Wipe the knife with a paper towel after each cut