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Crema de zahar ars- reteta super usoara

Easy Flan recipe

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


· 6 linguri de zahar alb

· 4 linguri de apa

· 4 oua

· Jumatate de cana de zahar alb

· Esenta de vanilie

· Sare

· 2 cani de lapte rece

Mod de preparare:

1. Pregatim caramelul- intr-o oala punem cele 6 linguri de zahar si cele 4 linguri de apa

2. Amestecam pana cand zaharul este dizolvat in apa

3. Lasam siropul sa se caramelizeze la foc mediu spre mic

4. Cand a inceput sa prinda culoare, nu mai amestecam zaharul

5. Avem grija ca sa nu ardem caramelul, atunci cand are o culoare aurie, oprim focul si turnam caramelul in ramekin (vasul in care le coacem)

6. Preincalzim cuptorul la 180C

7. Vom incepe sa pregatim crema- intr-o bol de plastic spargem 4 oua, punem jumatate de cana de zahar alb, un varf de lingurita de sare si esenta de vanilie

8. Folosim mixerul ca sa mixam ingredientele pentru 3-4 minute

9. Turnam laptele rece in bol, continuam sa mixam pentru inca 4 minute

10. Cu ajutorul unei site mutam compozitia intr-un alt vas, astfel eliminam impuritatile nedorite si obtinem o crema de zahar ars neteda

11. Pe o tava inalta asezam ramekinurile ce au fost tapetate cu caramel

12. Turnam lichidul obtinut in ramekin-uri

13. In tava turnam apa rece pana la jumatatea inaltimii ramekinurilor

14. Lasam tava in cuptor pentru 40-45 minute

15. Scoatem tava din cuptor, scoatem ramekinurile din tava si le lasam sa se raceasca

16. Cand acestea s-au racit le acoperim cu folie alimentara si le punem in frigider pentru minim 4 ore

Ideal ar fi ca desertul sa ramana in frigider peste noapte si sa fie servit a doua zi.


English version:


• 6 tablespoons white sugar

• 4 tablespoons of water

• 4 eggs

• Half a cup of white sugar

• Vanilla extract

• Salt

• 2 cups of cold milk

Method of preparation:

1. Prepare the caramel - put the 6 tablespoons of sugar and the 4 tablespoons of water in a pot

2. Stir until the sugar is dissolved in water

3. Let the syrup caramelize over medium to low heat

4. When it starts to take on color, stop mixing the sugar

5. Be careful not to burn the caramel, when it has a golden color, turn off the heat and pour the caramel into ramekin

6. Preheat the oven to 180C

7. Start to prepare the cream - in a plastic bowl break 4 eggs, put half a cup of white sugar, a tip of a teaspoon of salt and vanilla extract

8. Use the mixer to mix the ingredients for 3-4 minutes

9. Pour the cold milk into the bowl, continue to mix for another 4 minutes

10. With the help of a sieve move the composition in another bowl, removing unwanted impurities and thus obtain a smooth burnt sugar cream

11. On a high tray place the ramekin that have been lined with caramel

12. Pour the liquid obtained into ramekins

13. Pour cold water into the pan up to half the height of the ramekin

14. Leave the tray in the oven for 40-45 minutes

15. Remove the tray from the oven, remove the ramekin from the pan and let them cool

16. When they have cooled, cover them with cling foil and put them in the fridge for at least 4 hours

Ideally, the dessert should remain in the refrigerator overnight and be served the next day.

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