Reteta usoara
Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.
The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.
Versiunea in Limba Romana:
· Tip de reteta: Desert
· Bucatarie: Americana
· Timp de pregatire: 15 minute
· Timp de coacere: 17 minute
· Gata de servire in maxim: 32 minute
· Portii: 2
· Autor: Loredana Gavril
· 1 galbenus
· 3 linguri zahar brun
· 1 lingura zahar semi brun
· 7 linguri faina
· 1 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu
· 2 lingurite Nutella
· 4 linguri unt
· 2 linguri ciocolata ornamentala
· 1 lingura apa
· Putina sare
Mod de preparare:
1. Preincalzim cuptorul la 180C
2. Topim untul intr-un ibric pana cand untul devine brun
3. Lasam untul sa se raceasca pentru 10 minute intr-un bol de plastic
4. Adaugam zaharul brun, zaharul semi-brun, galbenusul,apa, esenta de vanilie si mixam cu ajutorul unui mixer pentru doua minute
5. Adaugam o parte din faina, bicarbonatul de sodiu, sarea si amestecam bine cu o spatula
6. Treptat incorporam restul de faina
7. Punem o parte din compozitie in vas rezistet la coacere
8. Adaugam Nutella peste
9. Peste Nutella o sa punem restul compozitiei
10. Lasam vasul in cuptor pentru 15-17 minute
11. Garnisim cu inghetata de vanilie si Nutella topita
Pofta buna cat prajitura este calda!
English version:
• Recipe type: Desert
• Cuisine: American
• Preparation time: 15 minutes
• Baking time: 17 minutes
• Ready to serve in maximum: 32 minutes
• Portions: 2
• Author: Loredana Gavril
• 1 yolk
• 3 tablespoons brown sugar
• 1 tablespoon semi brown sugar
• 7 tablespoons flour
• 1 teaspoon baking soda
• 2 teaspoons Nutella
• 4 tablespoons butter
• 2 tablespoons chocolate chips
• 1 tablespoon water
• A little salt
Method of preparation:
1. Preheat the oven to 180C
2. Melt the butter in a kettle until the butter turns brown
3. Let the butter cool for 10 minutes in a plastic bowl
4. Add to the bowl the brown sugar, semi-brown sugar, egg yolk, water and vanilla essence and use a mixer to mix well for two minutes
5. Add some flour, baking soda and salt and mix well with a spatula
6. Gradually add the rest of the flour
7. Put some of the composition in the cast iron skillet
8. Add Nutella over
9. Will put the rest of the composition over Nutella
10. Leave the cast iron skillet in the oven for 15-17 minutes
11. Garnish with vanilla ice cream and melted Nutella
Enjoy the cake while it's hot!