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Reteta simpla de Tiramisu

Updated: May 17, 2020

Easy Tiramisu Recipe

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in Limba Romana:

· Tip de reteta: Desert

· Bucatarie: Italiana

· Timp de pregatire: 40-45 minute

· Timp de refrigerare: 2-3 ore

· Gata de servire in maxim: 3 h 45 minute

· Portii: 8

· Autor: Loredana Gavril


· 500 gr Mascarpone

· 150 g piscoturi

· 6 oua

· 130 gr zahar

· 150 ml cafea tare


Pentru sos:

· 50 gr zmeura

· 50 gr capsuni

· 20 gr zahar

Mod de preparare:

1. Incepem prin a fierbe cafeaua, sa aiba suficient timp sa se raceaspa

2. Adaugam 150-160 ml de apa la fiert, punem o lingurita de zahar

3. Cand apa incepe sa fiarba, oprim focul si adaugam 6-7 lingurite de cafea

4. Adaugam cafeua intr-un bol de plastic si o lasam sa se raceasca

5. Separam ouale in doua boluri de plastic, o sa avem mare grija sa nu scapam galbenul in albus, daca asta se intampla, trebuie sa refaceti procesul de separare din nou

6. In bolul cu galbenusurile adaugam 65 gr zahar si amestecam bine cu mixerul

7. Adaugam branza mascarpone, mixam din nou cu grija, la o viteza mica

8. Spalam capetele de la mixer si le retasam mixerului

9. O sa incepem sa mixam albusul, trepatat o sa adaugam restul zaharului (acesta nu trebuie pus tot deodata)

10. Batem albusul pana acesta este spuma si nu se desprinde de vas. Aveti grija sa verificati textura spumei, deoarce exista riscul ca acestea sa se taie. Cheia este rabdarea si atentia

11. Incorporati spuma de albus cu o spatula de silicon mixului de mascarpone

12. Aveti grija sa adaugati albusul cu atentie, fara a sparge bulele de aer formate cu ajutorul mixerului. Daca mixul dintre albus si crema de branza este amestecat bine, rezultatul pe care il vom obtine este unul aerat, “pufos” si o consistenta delicioasa.

13. O sa insiropam piscoturile, pe rand o sa punem cate un piscot in cafeaua racita. Pe o tocator de lemn o sa asezam fiecare piscot insiropat. Lasam la insiropat cate o secunda pe fiecare parte, ca sa nu devina prea zemoase.

14. Asezam un strat de crema pe fundul vasului in care vom pune prajitura

15. Adaugam un rand de piscoturi insiropate

16. Peste ele vom pune inca un strat de crema

17. Inca un strat de piscoturi

18. Si ultimul strat de crema

19. O sa lasam Tiramisu in frigider pentru 2-3 ore sau peste noapte daca avem cum

Acesti pasi sunt optionali, urmeaza sa facem siropul din fructe:

1. Spalam capsunele si zmeura

2. Taiem fructele in bucatele

3. Le adaugam intr-o tigaie si amestecam continuu

4. Cand siropul a inceput sa se formeze o sa adaugam trepatat zaharul, amestecand bine

5. Focul trebuie sa fie mic, deoarece nu dorim sa ardem fructele

6. Adaugam putina apa si amestecam bine

7. Lasam sa se raceasca

8. Adaugam siropul peste ultimul strat de crema pe care l-am pus in vas

9. Punem vasul inapoi in frigider

English version:

• Recipe type: Desert

• Cuisine: Italian

• Preparation time: 40-45 minutes

• Refrigeration time: 2-3 hours

• Ready to serve in maximum: 3 h 45 minutes

• Portions: 8

• Author: Loredana Gavril


• 500 gr Mascarpone

• 150 g ladyfingers

• 6 eggs

• 130 gr sugar

• 150 ml coffee

For the sauce:

• 50 gr raspberries

• 50 gr strawberries

• 20 gr sugar

Method of preparation:

1. First we will boil the coffee so that there is enough time to cool it

2. Add 150-160 ml of boiling water, put a teaspoon of sugar

3. When the water starts to boil, turn off the heat and add 6-7 teaspoons of coffee

4. Add the coffee in a plastic bowl and let it cool

5. Separate the eggs in two plastic bowls, we will be very careful not to drop the yolk in the egg white, if this happens, you must redo the separation process again

6. In the bowl with the yolks add 65 gr sugar and mix well with the mixer

7. Add the mascarpone cheese, mix again carefully, at a low speed

8. Wash the mixer heads and reconnect them to the mixer

9. We will start mixing the egg whites, gradually we will add the rest of the sugar (it should not be added all at once)

10. Beat the egg whites until they are foamy and do not come off the bowl. Be sure to check the texture of the foam, as there is a risk that it will cut. The key is patience and attention

11. Incorporate the egg white foam with a silicone spatula into the mascarpone mix

12. Be sure to add the egg whites carefully, without breaking the air bubbles formed by the mixer. If the mix between egg white and cream cheese is mixed well, the result we will get is an airy, "fluffy" and a delicious consistency.

13. Will start to syrup the ladyfingers, in turn we will put one ladyfinger in the cooled coffee. On a wooden chopper we will place each syrupy ladyfinger.

14. Place a layer of cream on the bottom of the bowl in which we will put our cake

15. Add a row of syrupy ladyfingers

16. Will put another layer of cream on them

17. Another layer of ladyfingers

18. And the last layer of cream

19. Will leave Tiramisu in the fridge for 2-3 hours or overnight if we can

These steps are optional, we will make the fruit syrup:

1. Wash the strawberries and raspberries

2. Cut the fruit into pieces

3. Add them to a pan and stir continuously

4. When the syrup has started to form, gradually add the sugar, mixing well

5. The fire must be small, because we do not want to burn our fruits

6. Add a little water and mix well

7. Let cool

8. Add the syrup over the last layer of cream that I put in the bowl

9. Put the dish back in the fridge

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