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Reteta Fritatta usoara si rapida/ Easy Fritatta recipe

Updated: May 17, 2020

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

O reteta delicioasa, usoara, rapida, plina de arome si culori.

In functie de preferinte, se pot adauga diferite legume, alte tipuri de branza si daca doriti sa adaugati carne acestei retete, recomand urmatoarele:

· Bacon (prajit, pentru a adauga textura compozitiei)

· Salam Chorizo (crud, deoarece se va coace in cuptor si aroma/culoarea se va distribui in vas)

· Carnaciori (cruzi-se vor gati direct in vas, adaugand aroma de afumatura sau prajiti pentru textura)

· Tip de reteta: Vegetariana

· Bucatarie: Italiana

· Timp de pregatire: 10 minute

· Timp de coacere: 10-15 minute

· Gata in: 20-25 minute

· Portii: 2

· Autor: Loredana Gavril


  • 3 oua

  • 10 ml lapte de consum

  • 2 bucati ceapa verde

  • 6 bucati rosii cherry

  • 1 ardei gras rosu/galben/portocaliu

  • 4 catei de usturoi

  • o legatura mica de patrunjel

  • 1 lingurita sare– sau in functie de preferinte

  • ½ lingurita piper proaspat macinat – sau in functie de preferinta


  • Branza Cedar

  • Parmezan

Mod de preparare:

1. Preincalziti cuptorul la 180C.

2. Intr-un vas de plastic bateti bine ouale impreuna cu sarea si piperul

3. Peste aceasta compozitie adaugati laptele si amestecati

4. Am adaugat in doua vase de portelan rezistente la coacere cu diametru de 13 cm compozitia creata mai devreme

5. Taiati ceapa verde, ardeiul gras, usturoiul si patrunjeului marunt

6. Legumele se vor distribui egal in cele doua vase. Adaugand legumele separat exista mult mai mult control asupra cantitatii.

7. Taiati rosiile cherry rondele subtiri

8. Taiati branza Cedar si Parmezanul in felii subtiri

9. In primul vas am aranjat Parmezanul in cerc, apoi am adaugat branza cedar in centru in forma de cerc. Peste branza Cedar am adaugat rosii cherry si ceapa verde pentru culoare si textura

10. In cel de al doilea vas am adaugat felii de branza cedar in interiorul compozitiei. Am impins branza cu degetele pana a ajuns in locul droit. Aranjati rosiile cherry deasupra compozitiei

11. Puneti vasele in cuptorul preincalzit si coaceti pana cand obtineti o culoare galbena aurie, timpul de coacere este intre 10-15 minute

12. Scoateti fritatta de la cuptor si lasati-o sa se raceasca un pic inainte de a o servi

13. Garnisiti cu ceapa verde si rosii cherry

Pofta buna!


English version

A delicious recipe, light, fast, full of flavors and colors.

Depending on your preferences, you can add different vegetables, other types of cheese and if you want to add meat to these recipes, I recommend the following:

• Bacon (fried, to add texture to the composition)

• Salami Chorizo ​​(raw, because it will bake in the oven and the aroma & color will be distributed in the pot)

• Sausage (raw, they will be cooked directly in the pot, adding smoky aroma or fried for texture)

• Recipe type: Vegetarian

• Kitchen: Italian

• Preparation time: 10 minutes

• Baking time: 10-15 minutes

• Ready in: 20-25 minutes

• Portions: 2

• Author: Loredana Gavril


• 3 eggs

• 10 ml of drinking milk

• 2 pieces of green onion

• 6 cherry tomatoes

• 1 red / yellow / orange pepper

• 4 cloves of garlic - minced

• a small parsley link

• 1 teaspoon of salt - or according to taste

• 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper - or as desired


• Cedar cheese

• Parmesan

Method of preparation:

1. Preheat the oven to 180C.

2. In a plastic bowl whisk together the eggs and salt and pepper

3. Add to this composition milk and mix

4. I added in two porcelain pots (resistant to baking with a diameter of 13 cm) the composition created earlier

5. Cut the green onion, bell pepper, garlic and minced parsley

6. The vegetables will be distributed equally in the two pots. By adding vegetables separately there is much more control over the quantity.

7. Cut the cherry tomatoes into thin circles

8. Cut Cedar and Parmesan cheese into thin slices

9. In the first dish I arranged the Parmesan in a circle, then I added the cedar cheese in the center in the form of a circle. Over the Cedar cheese I added cherry tomatoes and green onions for color and texture

10. In the second bowl I added slices of cedar cheese inside the composition. I pushed the cheese with my fingers until it reached the right place. Arrange the cherry tomatoes over the composition

11. Put the dishes in the preheated oven and bake until you get a golden yellow color, the baking time is between 10-15 minutes.

12. Remove the fry from the oven and allow it to cool slightly before serving

13. Garnish with green onion and cherry tomatoes

Good appetite!

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