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Reteta Cheddar Sticks si Inele de Ceapa

Cheddar sticks and Onion Rings Recipe

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

Aceasta reteta este simpla de realizat, cu putine ingrediente insa rezultatul final te face sa “te lingi pe degete”


· 300 grame branza Cheddar

· 1 ou

· 1 ceapa alba

· 1 punga Doritos cu branza

· Sare

· Piper

· Boia dulce

· Faina alba

· Ulei de floarea soarelui- pentru prajire

Mod de preparare:

1. Taiem branza Cheddar in felii sau in cuburi, in functie de preferinta. Eu am taiat in ambele forme.

2. Punem branza taiata in congelator pentru minim 1 ora, de preferat 2 ore.

3. Intr-o punga ce se inchide etans punem Doritos si cu ajutorul unui sucitor, zdrobim cipsurile

4. Intr-un bol amestecam ouale, Paprika dulce/boia dulce, sare si piper

5. In alt bol punem faina si o lingura de Paprika dulce/boia dulce si amestecam

6. In alt bol punem Doritos zdrobiti

7. Taiem rondele ceapa

8. Scoatem de la congelator branza Cheddar

9. Cu ajutorul unui cleste punem bucatile de branza Cheddar in faina, apoi in ou si ulterior prin fulgii Doritos

10. Repetam acest pas pana cand toate feliile de branza si rondele de ceapa sunt trecute prin faina, ou si Doritos

11. Asezam branza si ceapa pe un tocator de lemn

12. Intr-o tigaie punem ulei de floarea soarelui si lasam focul mic pe toata durata prajirii

13. Cand uleiul s-a inchins, prajim fiecare parte pentru 2-3 minute. Repetam acest proces pana cand toate feliile de branza si rondelele de ceapa s-au prajit

14. Exista riscul ca unele felii de branza sa curga in momentul in care s-au incalzit prea tare, scoateti feliile cu ajutorul unei spatule

15. Garnisim cu pratrunjel verde si servim cu sos de usturoi sau ketchup dulce/picant


English Version:

This recipe is simple to make, with few ingredients but the result makes you "lick your fingers"


· 300 grams of Cheddar cheese

· 1 egg

· 1 white onion

· 1 bag of Doritos Cheese flavor

· Salt

· Pepper

· Sweet Paprika

· White flour

· Sunflower oil - for frying

Method of preparation:

1. Cut the cheddar cheese into slices or cubes, depending on preference. I used both shapes.

2. Put the sliced ​​cheese in the freezer for at least 1 hour, preferably 2 hours.

3. In a bag that closes tightly we put Doritos and with the help of a twister, we crush the chips

4. In a bowl mix eggs, sweet paprika / paprika, salt and pepper

5. In another bowl put flour and a tablespoon of sweet paprika and mix well

6. In another bowl put the crushed Doritos

7. We cut the onion into rings

8. Remove the Cheddar cheese from the freezer

9. Using a spatula, place the pieces of Cheddar cheese in the flour, then in the egg and then through the Doritos flakes.

10. Repeat this step until all slices of cheese and onion rings are passed through flour, egg and Doritos

11. Place the cheese and onion on a wooden chopper

12. Put sunflower oil in a pan and let it simmer for a long time.

13. When the oil is hot, fry each side for 2-3 minutes. Repeat this process until all the cheese slices and onion rings have been fried

14. There is a risk that some slices of cheese will flow when they have warmed up too much, remove the slices with a spatula

15. Garnish with green parsley and serve with garlic sauce or sweet / spicy ketchup

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