Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.
The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.
Versiunea in limba romana:
Aceasta este o reteta pentru iubitorii de branzeturi. Gustul deosebit este oferit de frunzele proaspete de busuioc.
· Tip de reteta: Vegetariana
· Bucatarie: Italiana
· Timp de pregatire: 25 minute
· Timp de coacere: 25 minute
· Gata in: 50 minute
· Portii: 2
· Autor: Loredana Gavril
· Aluat de pizza proaspat: 300 gr faina, ulei de masline, sare, o lingura de drojdie uscata si un varf de lingurita de zahar
· Sos de rosii: rosii, ceapa, usturoi, busuioc proaspat
· 50 grame Mozzarella bufala
· 50 grame Gorgonzola
· 50 grame branza Cedar
· 50 grame parmezan
· 5-6 frunze Busuioc proaspat
Mod de preparare:
O sa preparam aluatul pentru pizza in doar 5 pasi simplii:
1. Amestecam faina, sarea, uleiul de masline si zaharul intr-un bol de plastic
2. Diluam drojdia uscata cu putina apa calda si o punem peste faina
3. Framantam bine totul pana obtinem un aluat omogen, apoi presaram putina faina deasupra aluatului de pizza si il lasam la crescut
4. Acoperim aluatul cu un prosop de bucatarie curat. Din cand in cand verificam aluatul ca sa urmarim progresul
5. In 15 minute aluatul ar trebui sa fie crescut indeajuns, intindem aluatul cu sucitorul și il taiem rotund
Urmeaza sa facem sosul de rosii
6. Taiem rosiile, le decojim si le punem intr-o tigaie cu putin ulei de masline
7. Taiem in fasii subtiri ceapa rosie si usturoiul si le adaugam sosului nostru de rosii
8. Adaugam frunzele de busuioc proaspat
9. Amestecam bine, adaugam cateva picaturi de apa si lasam sosul sa absoarba aromele la foc mic
10. Dupa 10 minute, oprim focul
Pregatim Pizza Quatro Formaggi
11. Preincalzim cuptorul la 180C cu cel putin 20 minute inainte
12. Taiam mozzarella Bufala in rodele subtiri si o asezam pe un servetel de hartie pentru ca sa fie absorbit lichidul
13. Taiem gorgonzola, branza cedar si parmezanul
14. Pregatim tava, asezam hartia de copt pe fundul tavii
15. Asezam aluatul in atava si adaugam sosul
16. O sa asezam branzeturile peste sos si cateva frunze de busuioc proaspat
17. Adugam pizza in cuptor si lasam sa se coaca pentru 15-20 minute
English version:
This is a recipe for cheese lovers. The special taste is offered by the fresh basil leaves.
• Type of recipe: Vegetarian
• Cuisine: Italian
• Preparation time: 25 minutes
• Baking time: 25 minutes
• Ready in: 50 minutes
• Portions: 2
• Author: Loredana Gavril
• Fresh pizza dough: 300 gr flour, olive oil, salt, a tablespoon of dry yeast and a teaspoon of sugar
• Tomato sauce: tomatoes, onions, garlic, fresh basil
• 50 grams of buffalo mozzarella
• 50 grams of Gorgonzola (blue cheese)
• 50 grams of Cheddar cheese
• 50 grams of Parmesan
• 5-6 fresh basil leaves
Method of preparation:
Will prepare the pizza dough in just 5 simple steps:
1. Mix flour, salt, olive oil and sugar in a plastic bowl
2. Dilute the dry yeast with a little warm water and put it over the flour
3. Knead everything well until you get a homogeneous dough, then sprinkle a little flour on top of the pizza dough and leave it to rise.
4. Cover the dough with a clean kitchen towel. From time to time we check the dough to watch the progress
5. In 15 minutes the dough should be raised enough, roll out the dough with a rolling pin and cut it round
The tomato sauce:
6. Cut the tomatoes, peel them and put them in a pan with a little olive oil
7. Cut red onion and garlic into thin strips and add them to our tomato sauce
8. Add the fresh basil leaves
9. Mix well, add a few drops of water and let the sauce absorb the flavors over low heat.
10. After 10 minutes, turn off the heat
Preparation of Pizza Quatro Formaggi
11. Preheat the oven to 180C at least 20 minutes before
12. Cut the buffalo mozzarella into thin slices and place it on a paper napkin to absorb the liquid.
13. Cut Gorgonzola(blue cheese), Cheddar cheese and Parmesan
14. Prepare the tray, place the baking paper on the bottom of the tray
15. Place the dough in the pan and add the sauce
16. We will place the cheeses over the sauce and some fresh basil leaves
17. Add the pizza in the oven and let it bake for 15-20 minutes