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Pizza cu mix de ciuperci

Pizza with mushroom mix and pine nuts

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in Limba Romana:


· Aluat de pizza proaspat: 300 gr faina, ulei de masline, sare, o lingura de drojdie uscata si un varf de lingurita de zahar

· 50 grame galbiori

· 50 grame hribi

· 50 grame ghebe

· 50 grame ciuperci champinion brune

· 4 lingurite sos de soya

· 1 ceapa alba

· 3-4 catei de usturoi

· 1 lingurita ceapa uscata

· Sare

· Piper

· Cimbru proaspat

· Cheddar maturat

· Seminte pin

Mod de preparare:

1. Amestecam faina, sarea, uleiul de masline si zaharul intr-un bol de plastic

2. Diluam drojdia uscata cu putina apa calda si o punem peste faina

3. Framantam bine totul pana obtinem un aluat omogen, apoi presaram putina faina deasupra aluatului de pizza si il lasam la crescut

4. Acoperim aluatul cu un prosop de bucatarie curat. Din cand in cand verificam aluatul ca sa urmarim progresul

5. In 15-20 minute aluatul ar trebui sa fie crescut indeajuns, intindem aluatul cu sucitorul și il taiem rotund

6. Taiem ciupercile si le punem intr-o tigaie

7. Adaugam usturoiul pisat, lingurita de ceapa uscata, doua lingurite de sos de soya si cimbru proaspat

8. Cand lichidul a scazut punem cele doua lingurite de sos de soya ce au ramas

9. Condimentam cu sare si piper

10. Intr-o tigaie separata caramelizam ceapa alba

11. Preincalzim cuptorul la 180C cu cel putin 20 minute inainte

12. Pregatim tava, asezam hartia de copt pe fundul tavii

13. Asezam aluatul in tava

14. Pe blatul de pizza punem ceapa caramelizata, cheddarul maturat si ciupercile calite

15. Adugam pizza in cuptor si lasam sa se coaca pentru 15-20 minute

16. In timp ce coacem pizza in cuptor, rumenim seminte de pin intr-o tigaie

17. Dupa ce am scos pizza din cuptor punem semintele de pin peste si cimbru proaspat

Pofta buna!


English version:


• Fresh pizza dough: 300 gr flour, olive oil, salt, a tablespoon of dry yeast and a teaspoon of sugar

• 50 grams of chanterelle mushrooms

• 50 grams of ceps

• 50 grams of honey mushrooms

• 50 grams of brown mushrooms

• 4 teaspoons soy sauce

• 1 white onion

• 3-4 cloves of garlic

• 1 teaspoon dried onion

• Salt

• Pepper

• Fresh thyme

• Ripe cheddar

• Pine seeds

Method of preparation:

1. Mix flour, salt, olive oil and sugar in a plastic bowl

2. Dilute the dry yeast with a little warm water and put it over the flour

3. Knead everything well until you get a homogeneous dough, then sprinkle a little flour on top of the pizza dough and leave it to rise.

4. Cover the dough with a clean kitchen towel. From time to time we check the dough to watch the progress

5. In 15-20 minutes the dough should be raised enough, spread the dough with the rolling pin and cut it round

6. Cut the mushrooms and put them in a pan

7. Add the crushed garlic, a teaspoon of dried onions, two teaspoons of soy sauce and fresh thyme

8. When the liquid has dropped, add the remaining two teaspoons of soy sauce

9. Season with salt and pepper

10. In a separate pan, caramelize the white onion

11. Preheat the oven to 180C at least 20 minutes before

12. Prepare the tray, place the baking paper on the bottom of the tray

13. Place the dough in the pan

14. On the pizza top we put caramelized onions, ripe cheddar and mushrooms

15. Add the pizza in the oven and let it bake for 15-20 minutes

16. While baking the pizza in the oven, brown the pine nuts in a pan

17. After removing the pizza from the oven, put the pine seeds over it and fresh thyme

Bon appetite!

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