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Piept de pui Piccata

Chicken Piccata

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


· 3 bucati de piept de pui

· Pesmet

· 7 linguri de unt

· 50 ml zeama de lamaie*

· 50 ml vin alb*

· 100 ml supa de pui/legume*

*daca doriti o cantitate mai mare de sos puteți sa asuplimentati cantitatea de lichide in functie de preferinte.

· 2-3 catei de usturoi

· 3 linguri de capere

· Patrunjel

· Sare si piper dupa gust

· Felii lamaie

Mod de preparare:

1. Curatam pieptul de pui, il punem intr-un bol cu apa, il condimentam cu sare si piper si il dam prin pesmet, scuturandu-se excesul.

2. Intr-o tigaie mai mare incingem 5 linguri de unt. Prajim bucatile de pui pe ambele parti, cam 4 minute pe fiecare parte, pana se rumenesc. Le scoatem si le dau deoparte.

3. In aceeasi tigaie, la foc mediu adaugam usturoiul si il calim 1 minut, apoi il stingem cu zeama de lamaie, vin si supa de pui/legume si amestecam bine.

4. Dupa 5-6 minute adaugam caperele, cateva feliute de lamaie, putina sare si piper. Punem puiul inapoi in tigaie si lasam sa fiarba aproximativ 5 minute pana cand este bine patruns si sosul scade.

5. Scoatem pieptul de pui pe un platou, adaugam restul de unt in tigaie si amestecam bine pana se topeste.

6. Turnam sosul peste pui si garnisim cu patrunjel proaspat.

7. Garnitura recomandata: paste, orez, piure de cartofi.


English version:


• 3 pieces of chicken breast

• Breadcrumbs

• 7 tablespoons butter

• 50 ml lemon juice *

• 50 ml white wine *

• 100 ml chicken / vegetable soup *

* if you want a larger amount of sauce you can supplement the amount of liquids depending on your preferences.

• 2-3 cloves of garlic

• 3 tablespoons of capers

• Parsley

• Salt and pepper to taste

• Lemon slices

Method of preparation:

1. Clean the chicken breast, put it in a bowl with water, season it with salt and pepper and put it in breadcrumbs, shaking off the excess.

2. Heat 5 tablespoons of butter in a larger pan. Fry the chicken pieces on both sides, about 4 minutes on each side, until golden brown. We take them out and put them aside.

3. In the same pan, over medium heat add the garlic and cook for 1 minute, then quench it with lemon juice, wine and chicken / vegetable soup and mix well.

4. After 5-6 minutes add the capers, a few slices of lemon, a little salt and pepper. Put the chicken back in the pan and let it boil for about 5 minutes until it is well penetrated and the sauce decreases.

5. Remove the chicken breast on a plate, add the rest of the butter in the pan and mix well until it melts.

6. Pour the sauce over the chicken and garnish with fresh parsley.

7. Recommended garnish: pasta, rice, mashed potatoes.

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