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Piept de pui marinat la cuptor cu piure de cartofi dulci

Updated: May 17, 2020

Roasted chicken breast with mashed sweet potatoes

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

·Timp de pregatire: 25 minute

· Timp de coacere: 20 minute

· Gata in: 45 minute

· Portii: 2

· Autor: Loredana Gavril


· 300 g piept de pui

· 3 cartofi dulci

· 20 ml smantana lichida

· 20 g unt

· 6 bucati rosii cherry

· 6 catei de usturoi

· Sare dupa gust

· Piper

· ½ lingurita fulgi Chilli- daca nu doriti ca preparatul final sa fie usor picant, atunci nu adaugati fulgii de Chilly

· ½ lingurita pudra de usturoi

· 1 lingurita Paprika dulce

· 1 lingurita Curcuma

· Coaja de lamaie

· 2-3 fire de patrunjel verde

· Zeamă de lămâie

· Ulei de măsline extravirgin

Mod de preparare:

1. Taiem pieptul de pui in felii si il curatam daca este cazul

2. Vom incepe sa pregatim marinata: pe o farfurie o sa adaugam Paprika dulce, Curcuma, pudra de usturoi, fulgii Chilli, sare, piper

3. Razuim un catel de usturoi si coaja de lamaie peste mixul format mai devreme

4. Taiem marunt frunzele de patrunjel si le adaugam in farfurie

5. Adaugam zeama de lamaie si uleiul de masline

6. Amestecam bine marinata si adaugam pieptul de pui, acoperindu-l bine cu mixul nostru

7. Am impachetat carnea in folie alimentara si am lasat-o in frigider pana a doua zi

Vom incepe pregatirea cartofilor dulci

8. Punem pe foc o oala cu apa, adaugam sare in apa si preincalzim cuptorul la 180C

9. Curatam cartofii si ii taiem in bucatele mici, pentru ca sa fiarba mai repede

10. Cartofii dulci absorb mult mai multa apa decat cartofii albi, deaceea o sa ii punem pe un accesoriu pentru preparare la aburi (steamer insert) pentru 20 de minute

11. Scoatem carnea din frigider si o punem intr-o tava acoperita cu hartie de copt

12. Langa carne o sa punem usturoi, insa nu o sa il decojim si rosii cherry pe care le vom impunge cu o scobitoare

13. Punem tava in cuptor

14. Intre timp cartofii nostrii au terminat de fiert, o a scoatem cartofii intr-un bol de plastic

15. Adaugam untul si samantana de gatit peste cartofii fierti

16. Pisam cu grija cartofii si adaugam sare dupa gust

17. Cartofii sunt gata, insa am vrut sa intensific aromele asa ca am pus continutul intr-un vas rezistent in cuptor langa tava cu pieptul de pui

18. Carnea de pui este gata in 13-15 minute, in functie de cat de subtire a fost taiata

19. Scoatem tavile din cuptor si ne bucuram de aromele obtinute

Va garantez ca o sa va placa! Pofta buna!


English version:

·Preparation time: 25 minutes

· Cooking time: 20 minutes

· Ready in: 45 minutes

· Servings: 2

· Author: Loredana Gavril


• 300 g chicken breast

• 3 sweet potatoes

• 20 ml of double cream

• 20 g butter

• 6 red cherry tomatoes

• 6 cloves of garlic

• Salt

• Pepper

• ½ teaspoon chillies - if you do not want the final preparation to be slightly spicy then do not add the chili flakes

• ½ teaspoon of garlic powder

• 1 tsp sweet paprika

• 1 teaspoon Turmeric

• Lemon peel

• 2-3 strands of green parsley

• Lemon juice

• Extra virgin olive oil

Method of preparation:

1. Cut the chicken breast into slices and clean it if necessary

2. Will start to prepare the marinade: on a plate we will add sweet paprika, turmeric, garlic powder, chili flakes, salt, pepper

3.Cut the garlic and lemon peel over the mix formed earlier

4. Chop the parsley leaves and add them to the plate

5. Add lemon juice and olive oil

6. Mix well the seasonings and add the chicken breast, covering it well with our mix

7. I wrapped the meat in food foil and left it in the fridge until the next day

We will start the preparation of sweet potatoes

8. Put on a pot with water, add salt to the water and preheat the oven to 180C

9. Clean the potatoes and cut them into small pieces, so they can boil faster

10. Sweet potatoes absorb much more water than white potatoes, so we'll put them on a steamer insert for 20 minutes.

11. Remove the meat from the refrigerator and place it in a tray covered with baking paper

12. Next to the meat we will put garlic, but we will not peel it and the cherry tomatoes we will impose with a toothpick

13. Put the tray in the oven

14. Meanwhile, our potatoes are finished boiling, we put the potatoes in a plastic bowl

15. Add butter and cooking soup over boiled potatoes

16. Carefully peel the potatoes and add salt to taste

17. The potatoes are ready, but I wanted to intensify the flavor, so I put the contents in a resistant oven in the oven near the tray with the chicken breast.

18. The chicken is ready in 13-15 minutes, depending on how thin it has been cut

19. Remove the trays from the oven and enjoy the flavors obtained

I guarantee you'll love it! Good appetite!

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