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Chifle Asiatice cu Ceapa Verde si Susan- la tigaie

Updated: May 17, 2020

Pan fried Buns with scallions and sesame seeds

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


· Aluat de pizza proaspat: 300 gr faina, ulei de masline, sare, apa, o lingura de drojdie uscata si un varf de lingurita de zahar

· 5 fire ceapa verde

· Seminte de susan

· Sare

· Boia dulce

· Ulei de masline

· Apa

Mod de preparare:

1. Amestecam faina, sarea, uleiul de masline si zaharul intr-un bol de plastic

2. Diluam drojdia uscata cu apa calda si o punem peste faina

3. Framantam bine totul pana obtinem un aluat omogen, apoi presaram putina faina deasupra aluatului de pizza si il lasam la crescut

4. Acoperim aluatul cu un prosop de bucatarie curat. Din cand in cand verificam aluatul ca sa urmarim progresul

5. Am lasat aluatul sa creasca de la ora 12 pana la ora 17 si a crescut frumos, intindem aluatul cu sucitorul și il taiem in forma dreptunghiulara

6. Curatam si taiem ceapa verde, adaugam susan, sare, boia dulce si ulei fierbinte, amestecam bine

7. Taiem 4 fasii in interiorul fiecarui dreptunghi fara sa taiem pana la capat

8. Punem compozitia pe aluat, prindem de ambele capete si rotim aluatul pana formam chifla rotunda. Repetam pasul pentru fiecare chifla.

9. Intr-o tigaie incinsa (fara ulei) punem chiflete

10. Lasam chifla sa se rumeneasca pentru 3-5 minute

11. Adaugam putina apa in tigaie si punem capacul gatim chifla la abur

12. In momentul in care apa s-a evaporat, ridicam capacul si lasam chiflele pe foc inca 2-3 minute



English version:


• Fresh pizza dough: 300 gr flour, olive oil, salt, water, a tablespoon of dry yeast and a teaspoon of sugar

• 5 scallions

• Sesame seeds

• Salt

• Olive oil

• Sweet Paprika

• Water

Method of preparation:

1. Mix flour, salt, olive oil and sugar in a plastic bowl

2. Dilute the dry yeast with warm water and put it over the flour

3. Knead everything well until you get a homogeneous dough, then sprinkle a little flour on top of the pizza dough and leave it to rise.

4. Cover the dough with a clean kitchen towel. From time to time we check the dough to watch the progress

5. We let the dough rise from 12 to 17 and it grew nicely, we spread the dough with the rolling pin and cut it into a rectangular shape

6. Clean and cut the scallions, add sesame, sweet Paprika, salt and hot oil into a bowl, mix well

7. Cut 4 strips inside each rectangle without cutting to the end

8. Put the composition on the dough, grab on both ends and turn the dough until it forms a round bun. We repeat the step for each bun.

9. Put the buns in a hot pan (without oil)

10. Let the bun brown for 3-5 minutes

11. Add a little water to the pan and put the lid on to steam the bun

12. When the water has evaporated, lift the lid and leave the buns on the fire for another 2-3 minutes


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