Grilled chicken breast with mango salsa and basmati rice
Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.
The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.
Versiunea in limba romana:
· 200 g piept de pui
· 100 g orez basmati
· 50 g mango
· 1 ceapa rosie
· Ceapa verde
· Coriandru proaspat
· 1 Jalapeno
· 6 bucati rosii cherry
· 2 catei de usturoi
· Sare dupa gust
· Piper
· ½ lingurita fulgi Chilli- daca nu doriti ca preparatul final sa fie usor picant, atunci nu adaugati fulgii de Chilly
· ½ lingurita pudra de usturoi
· 1 lingurita Paprika dulce
· Coaja de lamaie
· 2-3 fire de patrunjel verde
· Zeamă de lămâie
· Ulei de măsline extravirgin
Mod de preparare:
1. Taiem pieptul de pui in felii si il curatam daca este cazul
2. Vom incepe sa pregatim marinata: pe o farfurie o sa adaugam Paprika dulce, pudra de usturoi, fulgii Chilli, sare, piper
3. Razuim un catel de usturoi si coaja de lamaie peste mixul format mai devreme
4. Taiem marunt frunzele de patrunjel si le adaugam in farfurie
5. Adaugam zeama de lamaie si uleiul de masline
6. Amestecam bine marinata si adaugam pieptul de pui, acoperindu-l bine cu mixul nostru
7. Am impachetat carnea in folie alimentara si am lasat-o in frigider pana a doua zi
8. Punem pe foc o oala cu apa, adaugam sare in apa
9. Cand apa a inceput sa fiarba adaugam orezul basmati si il fierbem pentru 10-15 minute
10. Scoatem carnea din frigider
11. Pe aragaz punem o tigaie grill si o incalzim
12. Cand tigaia s-a incalzit punem pieptul de pui
13. Gatim fiecare parte a pieptului pentru 2-3 minute
14. Taiem legumele pentru a pregati mango salsa
15. Spalam rosiile cherry, coriandrul si jalapeno, le taiem marunt
16. Taiem ceapa rosie, ceapa verde si mango
17. Punem legumele taiate intr-un bol, condimentam cu sare si piper si suc de lamaie/lime
18. Intr-un bol asezam orezul, pieptul de pui si mango salsa
Pofta buna!
English version:
• 200 g chicken breast
• 100 g of basmati rice
• 50 g mango
• 1 red onion
• Green onions
• Fresh coriander
• 1 Jalapeno
• 6 pieces of cherry tomatoes
• 2 cloves of garlic
• Salt to taste
• Pepper
• ½ teaspoon Chilly flakes - if you do not want the final preparation to be slightly spicy, then do not add Chilly flakes
• ½ teaspoon garlic powder
• 1 teaspoon sweet pepper
• Lemon peel
• 2-3 strands of green parsley
• Lemon juice
• Extra virgin olive oil
Method of preparation:
1. Cut the chicken breast into slices and clean it if necessary
2. We will start to prepare the marinade: on a plate we will add sweet paprika, garlic powder, chili flakes, salt, pepper
3. Grate a clove of garlic and lemon peel over the mixture formed earlier
4. Finely chop the parsley leaves and add them to the plate
5. Add lemon juice and olive oil
6. Mix the marinade well and add the chicken breast, covering it well with our mix
7. I wrapped the meat in cling film and left it in the fridge until the next day
8. Put a pot of water on the fire, add salt to the water
9. When the water has started to boil, add the basmati rice and cook for 10-15 minutes
10. Remove the meat from the refrigerator
11. Put a grill pan on the stove and heat it
12. When the pan has warmed up, put the chicken breast
13. Cook each part of the breast for 2-3 minutes
14. Cut the vegetables to prepare mango salsa
15. Wash the cherry tomatoes, coriander and jalapeno, cut them into small pieces
16. Cut the red onion, green onion and mango
17. Put the chopped vegetables in a bowl, season with salt and pepper and lemon / lime juice
18. In a bowl place the rice, chicken breast and mango salsa
Bon appetite!