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Pesto Fusillli cu Sparanghel

Pesto Fusilli with Asparagus

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

Sosul Pesto isi are originea in orasul italian Genova, de unde si denumirea “pesto alla genovese”. Reteta traditionala continue usturoi, seminte de pin, sare, busuioc proaspat, parmezan, pecorino si ulei de masline.

Am incercat retete si cu pesto cumparat din supermaketuri, insa nu se compara gustul atunci cand il prepari proaspat in bucataria ta.


• 150 gr paste fusilli Szatmari

• 100 grame sparanghel verde

• 100 grame oregano proaspat

• 4 catei de usturoi

• 50 grame parmezan

• Jumatate de cana de seminte de pin

• Jumatate de cana de ulei de masline

• Zeama de lamaie

• Sare

• Piper

Mod de preparare:

1. Intr-o tigaie incinsa prajim la foc mic semintele de pin pana cand obtinem o culoare aurie

2. Punem in robotul de bucatarie semintele prajite, busuiocul spalat, parmezanul, usturoiul decojit, zeama de lamaie, uleiul de masline si sare dupa gust

3. Sosul pesto va fi format cam dupa 2 minute de cand am inceput sa procesam aceste ingrediente

4. Punem la foc o oala cu apa si putina sare

5. Adaugam fusilli in apa ce a inceput sa fiarba si le lasam pentru 5-8 minute

6. Intr-o alta oala punem apa la fiert si cand a inceput sa fiarba adaugam sparangelul si il fierbem pentru 5 minute

7. Asezam sparanghelul fiert peste fussili, turnam sosul pesto si garnisim cu parmesan ras

Pastele ramase se pot transforma intr-o salata delicioasa, reteta o gasiti mai jos:


• Folosim pastele ramase din reteta de mai sus

• Bucati de mozzarella mini

• Rosii cherry

• Masline naturale si negre

• Porumb

• Ruccola

Mod de preparare:

1. Spalam si taiem rondele rosiile cherry

2. Taiem maslinele si mozzarella

3. Spalam ruccola (frunzele se pot rupe in

bucati, daca sunt prea lungi)

4. Toate legumele le adaugam peste pastele ramase

5. Condimentam cu zeama de lamaie, sare si piper

Astfel am transformat reteta de la cina pe care am savurat-o inseara trecuta intr-un pranz sanatos.

Pofta buna!


English version:

Pesto sauce has its origins in the Italian city of Genoa, hence the name "pesto alla genovese". The traditional recipe continues garlic, pine seeds, salt, fresh basil, Parmesan, pecorino and olive oil.

I tried recipes with pesto bought from supermarkets, but it does not compare the taste when you prepare it fresh in your kitchen.


• 150 gr pasta fusilli Szatmari

• 100 grams of green asparagus

• 100 grams of fresh oregano

• 4 cloves of garlic

• 50 grams of Parmesan

• Half a cup of pine seeds

• Half a cup of olive oil

• Lemon juice

• Salt

• Pepper

Method of preparation:

1. In a hot pan fry the pine nuts over low heat until golden.

2. Put the roasted seeds, washed basil, Parmesan cheese, peeled garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and salt to taste in the food processor.

3. The pesto sauce will form about 2 minutes after we start processing these ingredients

4. Put a pot of water and a little salt on the fire

5. Add the fusilli to the boiling water and leave for 5-8 minutes

6. In another pot, boil the water and when it starts to boil, add the asparagus and boil it for 5 minutes.

7. Place the boiled asparagus over the fossils, pour the pesto sauce and garnish with grated Parmesan

The remaining pasta can be turned into a delicious salad, the recipe can be found below:


• Use the remaining pasta from the recipe above

• Mini mozzarella

• Cherry tomatoes

• Natural and black olives

• Sweet Corn

• Ruccola

Method of preparation:

1. Wash and slice the cherry tomatoes

2. Cut the olives and mozzarella

3. Wash the rucola (the leaves can break into pieces, if they are too long)

4. Add all the vegetables over the remaining pasta

5. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper

Turn the dinner recipe into a healthy lunch.

Bon appetite!

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