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Pernite cu piure de gutui si gorgonzola

Puff pastries with quince and gorgonzola

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


· Foi de foietaj Morarita

· 3-4 gutui

· 100 grame gorgonzola

· 1 ou

· 3 linguri zahar

· Apa

· Pentru servire: rucola. pere, nuci si sos pentru salata

Mod de preparare:

1. Spalam gutuile si le taiem cubulate

2. Intr-o oala punem gutuile taiate, 3 linguri de zahar si 2 pahare de apa

3. Fierbem gutuile pentru 15 minute si amestecam periodic, avem grija sa nu scada complet apa si sa se arda

4. Cu ajutorul unui mixer vertical transformam gutuile in piure

5. Taiem gorgonzola in cubulete

6. Preincalzim cuptorul la 180 grade

7. Ne folosim de un cerc de patiserie sa taiem foietajul

8. Dupa ce am format toate cercurile, asezam un strat de piure de gutuie si cate un cubulet de gorgonzola pe fiecare cerc, insa vom lasa simple jumatate din cercurile formate

9. Pe parginea cercului umplut punem oul batut si acoperim cu un cerc simplu

10. Cu ajutorul unei furculite lipim cele doua cercuri, repetam pasul 9 si 10 pana am acoperit toate cercurile cu umplutura

11. Peste ele vom punem oul batut si ornam cu mac, susan alb, susan negru, sare sau zahar in functie de preferinte

12. Punem pernitele in cuptor pentru 20-25 minute si verificam periodic statusul lor

13. Recomand sa serviti aceste pernite delicioase cu salata de rucola, pere, nuci si sos pentru salata (daca doriti puteti sa puneti si cateva cubulete de gorgonzola in aceasta salata)

Pofta buna!


English version:


• puff pastry sheets

• 3-4 quince

• 100 grams of gorgonzola

• 1 egg

• 3 tablespoons sugar

• water

• For serving: arugula, Pears, nuts and salad dressing

Method of preparation:

1. Wash the quinces and cut them into cubes

2. In a pot put the chopped quinces, 3 tablespoons of sugar and 2 glasses of water

3. Boil the quinces for 15 minutes and mix periodically, taking care that the water isn’t completely drain and prevent burning them

4. Using a vertical mixer, turn the quinces into paste

5. Cut the gorgonzola into cubes

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees

7. Use a pastry circle to cut the puff pastry

8. After we have formed all the circles, we place a layer of quince puree and a cube of gorgonzola on each circle, but we will leave only half of the circles formed

9. On the edge of the filled circle we put the beaten egg and cover with a simple circle

10. Using a fork glue the two circles, repeat steps 9 and 10 until we have covered all the circles with the filling

11. Over them put the beaten egg and garnish with poppy seeds, white sesame, black sesame, salt or sugar depending on your preferences.

12. Put the puff pastries in the oven for 20-25 minutes and periodically check their status

13. I recommend serving these delicious puff pastries with arugula salad, pears, nuts and salad dressing (if you want you can put a few cubes of gorgonzola in this salad)

Good appetite!

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