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Paste cu ton aromat

Tuna pasta

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


· 200 grame paste Szatmari

· 2 conserve ton

· 3 linguri ulei de masline

· 1 lingura oregano uscat

· 2 linguri fulgi chili

· 4 catei de usturoi

· 1 ceapa rosie

· 1 lamaie

· Suc de lamaie

· 3 linguri capere

· 2-3 rosii uscate taiate marunt

· 3 linguri vin alb

· Patrunjel proaspat

· Sare si piper

· Parmezan- optional

Metoda de preparare:

1. Punem pe foc o oala cu apa, condimentam cu sare

2. Adaugam pastele in apa ce a inceput sa fiarba si le lasam pentru 5-8 minute

3. Intr-o tigaie punem cele 3 linguri de ulei de masline la foc mediu

4. Curatam ceapa si usturoiul si le taiem marunt

5. Strecuram pastele si le punem deoparte

6. Cand uleiul s-a inchins adaugam ceapa, usturoiul, fulgii de chili, oregano

7. Amestecam bine si lasam sa se caleasca pentru cateva minute

8. Reducem focul la mic si adaugam caperele in tigaie, rosiile uscate taiate si vinul alb

9. Lasam sa se gateasca pana cand lichidul s-a redus la jumatate, aproximativ 10 minute

10. Adaugam pastele fierte peste sosul din tigaie si amestecam bine

11. Scoatem pastele si sosul intr-un bol peste ele punem sucul de lamaie, tonul maruntit, sare si piper

12. Taiem o lamaie in jumatate si o punem pe gratarul incins

13. Dupa 2-3 minute se poate pune in farfuria in care se serveste preparatul

14. Garnisim cu patrunjel proaspat, fulgi de chili si parmesan ras


English version:


• 200 grams of pasta

• 2 tuna cans

• 3 tablespoons olive oil

• 1 tablespoon dried oregano

• 2 tablespoons chili flakes

• 4 cloves of garlic

• 1 red onion

• 1 lemon

• Lemon juice

• 3 tablespoons capers

• 2-3 dried tomatoes, finely chopped

• 3 tablespoons white wine

• Fresh parsley

• Salt and pepper

• Parmesan - optional

Preparation method:

1. Put a pot of water on the fire, season with salt

2. Add the pasta to the boiling water and leave for 5-8 minutes

3. In a pan put the 3 tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat

4. Peel the onion and garlic and cut them into small pieces

5. Strain the pasta and set them aside

6. When the oil is dark add the onion, garlic, chili flakes, oregano

7. Mix well and let it cook for a few minutes

8. Reduce heat to low and add capers to pan, chopped dried tomatoes and white wine

9. Let cook until the liquid is reduced by half, about 10 minutes

10. Add the cooked pasta over the sauce in the pan and mix well

11. Remove the pasta and sauce in a bowl over them we put lemon juice, chopped tuna, salt and pepper

12. Cut a lemon in half and place it on the hot grill

13. After 2-3 minutes it can be put in the plate where the preparation is served

14. Garnish with fresh parsley, chili flakes and grated Parmesan cheese

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