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Paste cu mix de ciuperci si sos de branza

Pasta with mushroom mix and cheesy sauce

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


· 200 grame lasti Szatmari

· 50 grame galbiori

· 50 grame hribi

· 50 grame ghebe

· 50 grame ciuperci champinion brune

· 4 lingurite sos de soya

· 1 ceapa alba

· 3-4 catei de usturoi

· 1 lingurita ceapa uscata

· Sare

· Piper

· Cimbru proaspat

· Smantana lichida

· 50 grame Mozzarella

· 50 grame Cheddar

· 50 grame Gorgonzola

· 50 grame Parmezan

Mod de preparare:

1. Punem pe foc o oala cu apa, adaugam sare

2. Intr-o tigaie adaugam Smantana lichida si amestecam bine

3. Taiem branzeturile in cuburi micute

4. Adaugam Mozzarella si lasam 2 minute sa se topeasca in Smantana lichida

5. Treptat adaugam Gorgonzola si branza Cedar asteptam 1 minut sa se topeasca si incepem sa amestecam bine

6. Sarea si piperul sunt adaugate in sosul obtinut

7. Adaugam pastele in apa ce a inceput sa fiarba si le lasam sa fiarba pentru 5-7 minute

8. Finalizam sosul Quattro Formaggi, adaugand branza Parmezan feliata subtire

9. Strecuram pastele de apa si le adaugam peste sos

10. Taiem ciupercile si le punem intr-o tigaie

11. Adaugam usturoiul pisat, lingurita de ceapa uscata, doua lingurite de sos de soya si cimbru proaspat

12. Cand lichidul a scazut punem cele doua lingurite de sos de soya ce au ramas

13. Condimentam cu sare si piper

14. Intr-o farfurie punem pastele impreuna cu sos-ul Quattro Formaggi iar peste asezam ciupercile calite

15. Garnisim cu cimbru proaspat

Pofta buna!


English version:


• 200 grams of pasta

• 50 grams honey agaric

• 50 grams of chanterelle mushrooms

• 50 grams of ceps

• 50 grams of brown mushrooms

• 4 teaspoons soy sauce

• 1 white onion

• 3-4 cloves of garlic

• 1 teaspoon dried onion

• Salt

• Pepper

• Fresh thyme

• Double cream

• 50 grams of Mozzarella

• 50 grams of Cheddar

• 50 grams of Gorgonzola

• 50 grams of Parmesan

Method of preparation:

1. Put a pot of water on the fire, add salt

2. In a frying pan add the liquid cream and mix well

3. Cut the cheeses into small cubes

4. Add Mozzarella and let it melt in liquid cream for 2 minutes

5. Gradually add Gorgonzola and Cedar cheese, wait 1 minute for it to melt and start mixing well.

6. Salt and pepper are added to the sauce obtained

7. Add the pasta to the boiling water and let it boil for 5-7 minutes

8. Finish the Quattro Formaggi sauce, adding thinly sliced ​​Parmesan cheese

9. Strain the pasta and add it over the sauce

10. Cut all the mushrooms and put them in a pan

11. Add the crushed garlic, a teaspoon of dried onions, two teaspoons of soy sauce and fresh thyme

12. When the liquid has dropped, add the remaining two teaspoons of soy sauce

13. Season with salt and pepper

14. Put the pasta in a plate together with the Quattro Formaggi sauce and place the hardened mushrooms on top.

15. Garnish with fresh thyme

Bon appetite!

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