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Oua posate cu avocado, bacon crocant

Poached eggs with avocado and crispy bacon

Versiunea in limba romana:


· 4 felii de pâine proaspătă

· 2 bucati avocado

· Sare dupa gust

· Zeamă de lămâie

· Ulei de măsline extravirgin

· Bacon

· 4 oua

Mod de preparare:

  1. Punem apa la fiert intr-un vas de 1,5 litri umplut pe 3/4 cu apa. Adaugam 2 linguri cu otet in apa. Otetul are rolul de a impiedica albusul sa se separe de galbenus.

  2. Lasam apa sa fiarba pana atinge punctul de fierbere, adica atunci cand face bule mici. Nu o lasam sa clocoteasca.

  3. Intr-o tigaie punem ulei de floarea soarelui si cand uleiul s-a inchis punem baconul la prajit

  4. Prajim fiecare parte pentru 2-3 minute, sau pana devine crocant

  5. Sargem ouale pe rand si le dam drumul in apa fierbinte. Le lasam sa fiarba fix patru minute, fara sa le atingem. Daca se lipesc de fundul vasului in care fierb, e cazul sa-l miscam.

  6. Puneti feliile de paine pe gratar pentru a se praji in timp ce preparati compozitia. Atentie, focul trebuie sa fie mic, iar painea se va pune pe gratar atunci cand acesta este cald

  7. Taiati in doua avocado si scoateti miezul cu ajutorul unei lingurite de lemn intr-un vas de plastic

  8. Pulpa de avocado este stropita apoi cu ulei de masline, amestecati tot cu lingura de lemn pentru a preveni oxidarea avocadoului

  9. Se adauga zeama de lamaie si sare dupa gust

10. Se intinde un strat generos din compoziția cu avocado pe fiecare felie de paine prajita, punem doua felii de bacon pe fiecare felie de paine

11. Scoatem ouale fierte si le asezam peste bacon-ul crocant

Pofta buna!


English version:


• 4 slices of fresh bread

• 2 pieces avocado

• Salt to taste

• Lemon juice

• Extra virgin olive oil

• Bacon

• 4 eggs

Method of preparation:

1. Boil water in a 1.5 liter pot filled 3/4 full with water. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to the water. Vinegar has the role of preventing the egg white from separating from the yolk.

2. Let the water boil until it reaches boiling point, that is, when it makes small bubbles. We won't let it boil.

3. Put sunflower oil in a pan and when the oil is closed, fry the bacon.

4. Fry each part for 2-3 minutes, or until crispy

5. We load the eggs one by one and let them go in the hot water. Let them boil for four minutes, without touching them. If they stick to the bottom of the pot in which they are boiling, we need to move it.

6. Place the slices of bread on the grill to toast while preparing the composition. Be careful, the fire must be small, and the bread will be put on the grill when it is hot

7. Cut the avocado in half and remove the core with a wooden spoon in a plastic bowl

8. The avocado pulp is then sprinkled with olive oil, mix with a wooden spoon to prevent oxidation of the avocado

9. Add lemon juice and salt to taste

10. Spread a generous layer of avocado on each slice of toast, put two slices of bacon on each slice of bread

11. Remove the boiled eggs and place them over the crispy bacon

Bon appetite!

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