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Writer's pictureLoredana Gavril

Mini breakfast tacos

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


· 2 bucati avocado

· Sare dupa gust

· Zeamă de lămâie

· Ulei de măsline extravirgin

· 3 oua

· 1 ceapa rosie

· 3-4 rosii cherry

· 1 ardei iute (optional)

· Coriandru proaspat

Mod de preparare:

  1. Taiati in doua avocado si scoateti miezul cu ajutorul unei lingurite de lemn intr-un vas de plastic

  2. Pulpa de avocado este stropita apoi cu ulei de masline, amestecati tot cu lingura de lemn pentru a preveni oxidarea avocadoului

  3. Se adauga zeama de lamaie si sare dupa gust

  4. Pregatim compozitia pentru omleta: batem ouale intr-un box, condimentam cu sare si piper

  5. Intr-o tigaie punem putin ulei de masline si punem ouale battue

  6. Dupa 2 minute adagam ceapa rosie taiata, usturoi(optional) si rosii cherry taiate in jumatate

  7. Cu ajutorul unei spatule amestecam ouale in tigaie pentru a obtine “scrambled eggs”

  8. Dupa 2 minute scoatem ouale intr-un bol

  9. Incalzim tortilla pe un gratar, aproximativ 1 minut pe fiecare parte

  10. Pe tortilla asezam un strat de avocado, ceapa rosie taiata, rosii cherry, ardei iute(optional), coriandru si apoi o lingura din omleta

  11. Repetam pasul 10 pana cand toatetortillas sunt umplute


English version


• 2 pieces avocado

• Salt to taste

Lemon juice

• Extra virgin olive oil

3 eggs

• 1 red onion

• 3-4 cherry tomatoes

• 1 hot pepper (optional)

• Fresh coriander

Method of preparation:

1. Cut the avocado in half and remove the core with a wooden spoon in a plastic bowl

2. The avocado pulp is then sprinkled with olive oil, mix with a wooden spoon to prevent oxidation of the avocado

3. Add lemon juice and salt to taste

4. Prepare the composition for the omelet: beat the eggs in a box, season with salt and pepper

5. Put a little olive oil in a pan and put beaten eggs

6. After 2 minutes add the chopped red onion, garlic (optional) and cherry tomatoes cut in half

7. Using a spatula, mix the eggs in the pan to obtain "scrambled eggs".

8. After 2 minutes remove the eggs in a bowl

9. Heat the tortilla on a grill, about 1 minute on each side

10. Place a layer of avocado, chopped red onion, cherry tomatoes, hot peppers (optional), coriander and then a tablespoon of the omelet on the tortilla.

11. Repeat step 10 until all tortillas are filled

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