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Paste cu chiftelute de pui si sos

Updated: Jul 4, 2020

Pasta with Chicken Meatballs and Tomato Sauce

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


• 200 grame paste Szatmari

• 300 grame carne tocata piept de pui

• 1 ou

• patrunjel proaspat

• 1 ceapa mica

• 1 usturoi

• 1 lingurita faina

• Sare

• Piper

• Susan - optional

• Ulei de floarea soarelui pentru prajire

• Sos de rosii: rosii, ceapa roșie, usturoi, busuioc proaspat

Mod de preparare:

Pregatirea sosului de rosii:

1. Taiem rosiile, le decojim si le punem intr-o tigaie cu putin ulei de masline

2. Taiem in fasii subtiri ceapa rosie si usturoiul si le punem în tigaia cu roșii

3. Adaugam frunzele de busuioc proaspat

4. Amestecam bine, punem cateva picaturi de apa si lasam sosul sa absoarba aromele la foc mic

5. Dupa 10 minute, oprim focul

Pregatirea chiftelutelor si fierberea pastelor:

6. Taiem ceapa marunt, pisam usturoiul si taiem patrunjelul

7. Punem carnea tocata intr-un bol de plastic, apoi ceapa, usturoiul, 1 ou, patrunjelul, lingura de faina, sarea si piperul

8. Amestecam cu mainile compozitia

9. Formam bilutele din compozitia cu mainile ude. Eu am facut chiftelutele in 2 modalitati diferite:

10. Intr-o farfurie am pus susan si am dat dat o parte din chiftelute prin susan și

11. Chiftelutele ramase le-am lasat simple

12. Intr-o tigaie punem mult ulei, deoarece este necesar sa prajim chiftelutele in baie de ulei; setam focul mic spre mediu

13. Cand uleiul s-a incins punem chiftelele crude in tigaie

14. Punem pe foc o oala cu apa și puțină sare

15. După ce apa a inceput sa fiarba adaugam pastele. Le fierbem pentru 8-10 minute

16. Strecuram apa si punem pastele in sosul de rosii

17. Prajim fiecare parte a chiftelutelor pentru 10-15 minute, verificam culoarea bilutelor cu ajutorul unei spatule

18. Repetam acest proces pana cand toate chiftelutele sunt prajite

19. In tigaia in care avem pastele si sosul așezăm și chiftelutele si amestecam bine

Pofta buna!


English version:


• 200 grams Pasta Szatmari

• 300 grams of minced chicken breast

• 1 egg

• Fresh parsley

• 1 small onion

• 1 garlic

• 1 teaspoon flour

• Salt

• Pepper

• Sesame seeds- optional

• Sunflower oil for frying

• Tomato sauce: tomatoes, red onion, garlic, fresh basil

Method of preparation:

Preparation of tomato sauce:

1. Peel and slice the tomatoes, put them in a pan with a little olive oil

2. Cut the red onion and garlic into thin strips and put them in the pan with the tomatoes

3. Add the fresh basil leaves

4. Mix well, add a few drops of water and let the sauce absorb the flavors over low heat.

5. After 10 minutes, turn off the heat

Preparing meatballs and cooking pasta:

6. Cut the onion into small pieces, grind the garlic and cut the parsley

7. Put the minced meat in a plastic bowl, add onion, garlic, 1 egg, parsley, 1 tablespoon of flour, salt and pepper

8. Mix the composition with your hands

9. Form the balls with wet hands. I made meatballs in 2 different ways:

10. On a plate I put sesame and rolled some of the meatballs in sesame

11. I left the remaining meatballs simple

12. Put a lot of oil in a pan, because the meatballs must fry in an oil bath, set the heat low to medium

13. When the oil is hot, put the raw meatballs in the pan

14. Put a pot of water on the fire, add salt

15. When the water has started boiling, add the pasta. Boil them for 8-10 minutes

16. Strain the water and put the pasta in the tomato sauce

17. Fry each part of the meatballs for 10-15 minutes, check the color of the balls with a spatula

18. Repeat this process until all the meatballs are fried

19. Place the meatballs in the pan with the tomato sauce and the pasta and mix well.

Good appetite!

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