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Enchiladas de pui

Chicken Enchiladas

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


· 300 grame piept de pui

· 200 grame mozzarella

· 1 ardei rosu

· 1 ardei iute

· 50 grame Porumb

· 1 ceapa rosie

· 4 catei de usturoi

· Sos de rosii facut in casa

· 4 foi de tortilla

· Sare, busuioc, oregano, chilli si piper dupa gust

Mod de preparare:

1. Tocam usturoiul, ceapa, ardeiul iute si ardeiul gras.

2. Condimentam si sotam legumele in ulei incins 3-4 minute.

3. Adaugam sosul de rosii facut in casa, amestecam si lasam pe foc mic, sa se ingroase sosul.

4. Intre timp, taiem pieptul de pui in fasii subtiri, il condimentam si il punem pe gratarul incins.

5. Gatim fiecare parte a fasiilor din piept de pui pentru 3-5 minute

6. Preincalzim cuptorul.

7. Scoatem sosul de pe foc.

8. Intr-un vas termo rezistent punem un strat de sos de rosii

9. Luam o tortilla punem sos, acoperind-o bine. Asezaa fasii de pui in ea si porumb, rulam tortilla și o punem in tava.

10. Procedam la fel cu restul foilor de tortilla ramase.

11. Punem sosul ramas peste foile de tortilla umplute din vas.

12. Punem vasul in cuptorul preincalzit timp de 20 de minute.

13. Scoatem tava, radem mozarella pe deasupra si dam din nou la cuptor, 10 minute.

Pofta buna!


English version:


• 300 grams of chicken breast

• 200 grams of mozzarella

• 1 red pepper

• 1 hot pepper

• 50 grams of Sweetcorn

• 1 red onion

• 4 cloves of garlic

• Homemade tomato sauce

• 4 tortilla

• Salt, basil, oregano, chili and pepper to taste

Method of preparation:

1. Chop the garlic, onion, hot pepper and bell pepper.

2. Season and sauté the vegetables in hot oil for 3-4 minutes.

3. Add the homemade tomato sauce, mix and let it simmer to thicken the sauce.

4. Meanwhile, cut the chicken breast into thin strips, season it and put it on the hot grill.

5. Cook each part of the chicken breast strips for 3-5 minutes

6. Preheat the oven.

7. Remove the sauce from the heat.

8. In a heat-resistant dish put a layer of tomato sauce

9. Take a tortilla and put the sauce, covering it well. Place chicken strips in it and corn, roll the tortilla and put it in the heat-resistant dish.

10. Do the same with the remaining tortilla leaves.

11. Place the remaining sauce over the filled tortilla sheets in the bowl.

12. Put the dish in the preheated oven for 20 minutes.

13. Remove the tray, grate the mozzarella on top and put it back in the oven for 10 minutes.

Bon appetite!

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