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Cus cus cu zeama de portocala

Couscous with orange juice

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


· 150 grame cus cus

· Zeama de portocala

· O rodie

· 50 grame mango

· 50 grame nuca si alune de padure

· 1-2 lingurite de miere

Mod de preparare:

1. Punem pe foc o oala cu apa si putina sare

2. Cand apa a inceput sa fiarba adaugam cus cus-ul si il fierbem pentru 5-8 minute

3. Strecuram cus cus-ul de apa si il punem intr-un bol

4. Stoarcem o portocala si sucul obtinut il punem peste cus cus

5. Punem doua lingurile de miere si amestecam bine

6. Peste cus cus punem rodia, mango, nuca si alunele de padure

Pofta buna!


English version:


• 150 grams couscous

• Orange juice

• A pomegranate

• 50 grams of mango

• 50 grams of walnuts and hazelnuts

• 1-2 teaspoons of honey

Method of preparation:

1. Put a pot of water and a little salt on the fire

2. When the water has started to boil, add the couscous and boil it for 5-8 minutes

3. Strain the couscous water and put it in a bowl

4. Squeeze an orange and put the juice obtained over the couscous

5. Put two tablespoons of honey and mix well

6. Over the couscous we put pomegranate, mango, walnut and hazelnuts

Bon appetite!

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