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Curry Vegan cu Naut, Porumb, Ceapa si Alune

Creamy Vegan Chickpeas Curry with Sweet Corn, Onions and Peanuts

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba Romana:


· 200 grame Naut

· 100 grame Porumb

· 1 ceapa rosie

· Sos de rosii facut in casa

· Coriandru Proaspat

· Rosii Cherry

· Lime/Lamaie

· 100 grame orez

· 1 lingurita pudra de ghimbir

· 1 lingurita de chimen pudra

· 1 betisor de scortisoara

· 2 linguri de garam masala

· 4 lingurite paprika dulce

· 2 lingurite turmeric

Mod de preparare:

1. Intr-o tigaie punem doua linguri de ulei de masline si adaugam nautul si porumbul, ambele sunt din conserva

2. Il prajim pentru 2 minute pe fiecare parte

3. Taiem ceapa, usturoiul si rosiile cherry

4. Adaugam in tigaie ceapa, usturoiul si rosiile

5. Condimentam cu doua lingurite de garam masala, 2 lingurite de paprika dulce, 1 lingurita de chimen pudra, piper negru, 1 lingura de pudra de ghimbir, 3 catei de usturoi taiati, 1 betisor de scortisoara si sare

6. Adaugam in tigaie 200 ml de sos de rosii si zeama de lamaie, amestecam bine

7. Acoperim cu un capac si lasam sa fiarba pentru 10-15 minute

8. Intre timp am fiert orezul si preparatul nostru este gata pentru a fi servit

9. Garnisim cu coriandru verde si cu arahide prajite in tigaie

Pofta buna!


English version:


• 200 grams chickpeas

• 100 grams of sweet corn

• 1 red onion

• Homemade tomato sauce

• Fresh coriander

• Cherry tomatoes

• Lime / Lemon

• 100 grams of rice

• 1 teaspoon of ginger powder

• 1 teaspoon of powdered cumin

• 1 cinnamon stick

• 2 tablespoons garam masala

• 4 teaspoons sweet paprika

• 2 teaspoons turmeric

Method of preparation:

1. In a pan put two tablespoons of olive oil and add chickpeas and corn, both canned

2. Fry it for 2 minutes on each side

3. Cut the onion, garlic and cherry tomatoes

4. Add onion, garlic and tomatoes to the pan

5. Season with two teaspoons of garam masala, 2 teaspoons of sweet paprika, 1 teaspoon of cumin powder, black pepper, 1 tablespoon of ginger powder, 3 cloves of chopped garlic, 1 cinnamon stick and salt

6. Add in the pan 200 ml of tomato sauce and lemon juice, mix well

7. Cover with a lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes

8. In the meantime we boiled the rice and our preparation is ready to be served

9. Garnish with coriander and pan-fried peanuts

Bon appetite!

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