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Cornetti la cuptor cu carne de vita

Western Casserole

Versiunea in Limba Romana:


• 300 grame carne tocata de vita

• 200 grame Cornetti Szatmari

• 100 grame fasole fiarta

• 100 grame Cheddar

• 4-5 rosii

• 1 ceapa alba/ rosie mare

• Busuioc proaspat

• 2-3 fire ceapa verde

• 2-3 ardei iuti

• 4-5 catei de usturoi

• Ulei de masline

• Sare

• Piper

Mod de preparare:

1. Punem pe foc o oala cu apa, adaugam sare

2. Intr-o tigaie cu puțin ulei incins calim ceapa taiata marunt

3. Adaugam carnea tocata, sare, piper, usturoi si o cana de apa

4. Taiem rosiile si le decojim

5. Taiem usturoiul si il punem impreuna cu rosiile intr-o tigaie - focul trebuie sa fie mic pe toata perioada pregatirii sosului

6. Ceapa verde o taiem subtire si o punem intr-o tigaie separata cu putin ulei de masline; o călim pina se caramelizeaza

7. Adaugam ceapa calita si uleiul de masline peste rosiile calite

8. Presam rosiile, astfel vom crea sosul de rosii pentru paste

9. Taiem ardeiul iute subtire si il adaugam peste sos

10. Condimentam sosul cu sare și piper după gust

11. Punem sosul de rosii peste carnea tocata, adaugam fasolea si le fierbem impreuna pentru 10 minute

12. Adaugam cornetti in apa ce a inceput sa fiarba si le lasam pentru 3-5 minute

13. Preincalzim cuptorul la 180 grade

14. Strecuram pastele si le adaugam peste sos, amestecind bine

15. Intr-un vas termorezistent punem carnea, sosul si legumele

16. Garnisim cu Cheddar ras, ardei iute taiat subtire si rondele de ceapa verde

17. Punem vasul in cuptor pentru 15-20 minute

Pofta buna!


English version:


• 300 grams of minced beef

• 200 grams pasta

• 100 grams of boiled beans

• 100 grams of Cheddar

• 4-5 tomatoes

• 1 large white / red onion

• Fresh basil

• 2-3 green onion rings

• 2-3 hot peppers

• 4-5 cloves of garlic

• Olive oil

• Salt

• Pepper

Method of preparation:

1. Put a pot of water on the fire, add salt

2. In a frying pan with a little hot oil, heat the finely chopped onion

3. Add minced meat, salt, pepper, garlic and a cup of water

4. Cut the tomatoes and peel them

5. Cut the garlic and put it together with the tomatoes in a pan - the fire must be small throughout the preparation of the sauce

6. Cut the green onion thinly and put it in a separate pan with a little olive oil; harden it until it caramelizes

7. Add the hardened onion and olive oil over the hardened tomatoes

8. Press the tomatoes, so we will create the tomato sauce for pasta

9. Cut the hot pepper thinly and add it over the sauce

10. Season the sauce with salt and pepper to taste

11. Put the tomato sauce over the minced meat, add the beans and cook together for 10 minutes

12. Add pasta in the water that has started to boil and leave them for 3-5 minutes

13. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees

14. Strain the pasta and add them over the sauce, mixing well

15. In a heat-resistant dish put the meat, sauce and vegetables

16. Garnish with grated cheddar, thinly sliced ​​hot peppers and green onion rings

17. Put the dish in the oven for 15-20 minutes

Good appetite!

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