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Conopida pane in 3 feluri

Cauliflower 3 ways

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

Aceaste retete poate fi vegane, daca ouale sunt inlocuite cu apa minerala.

Ingrediente pentru cele 3 tipuri de conopida pane:

· 1 conopida

· 1 cana faina

· 1 ou

· Apa

· Pesmet

· Usturoi pudra

· Sare

· Piper

· Mix ierburi aromate

· Pudra chili – optional (se poate inlocui cu boia dulce)

Mod de preparare conopida la cuptor (reteta vegana si fara ulei)

1. Spalam conopida

2. Rupem conopida in bucatele micute

3. Adaugam bucatele de conopida intr-un bol de plastic si le stropim cu putina apa, peste ele punem 3 linguri de pesmet, 3 linguri de usturoi pudra, chilli (optional) si amestecam bine

4. Lasam vasul deoparte 5 minute

5. Preincalzim cuptorul la 180 grade

6. Dupa ce au trecut cele 5 minute, stropim conopida cu putina apa si adaugam inca 3 linguri de pesmet

7. Eu am amestecat compozitia prin miscarea bolului, va recomand sa faceti la fel

8. Intr-o tava asezam foaia de copt si conopida, compozitia de pesmet ramasa la fundul bolului am asezat-o peste conopida

9. Coacem conopida pentru 25 de minute sau pana cand prinde culoarea aurie. Verificam statului conopidei la 10 minute de cand am pus tava in cuptor si reglam temperatura in functie de aspectul acesteia.

Pofta buna!

Mod de preparare conopida pane in ou si faina:

1. Spalam conopida

2. Rupem conopida in bucatele micute

3. Batem oul intr-un vas, condimentam cu sare, piper, mixul de ierburi aromate si pudra de usturoi si chili (optional)

4. In vas adaugam cana de faina, amestecam bine

5. In aluatul format (consistenta groasa) punem conopida

6. Intr-o tigaie punem ulei din abundenta si pornim focul la intensitate mica spre medie

7. Cu ajutorul unei furculite punem legumele in uleiul incins

8. Prajim fiecare parte aproximativ 4-5 minute sau pana cand se obtine culoarea aurie dorita

9. Repetam pasul 8 pana cand toate bucatelele de conopida au fost prajite

Pofta buna!

Mod de preparare conopida pane in ou si pesmet:

1. Spalam conopida

2. Rupem conopida in bucatele micute

3. Batem oul intr-un vas, condimentam cu sare, piper, mixul de ierburi aromate si pudra de usturoi si chili (optional)

4. Intr-o farfurie punem pesmet

5. Dupa am dat conopida prin ou, o asezam in pesmet si o acoperim uniform

6. Intr-o tigaie punem ulei din abundenta si pornim focul la intensitate mica spre medie

7. Cu ajutorul unei furculite punem legumele in uleiul incins

8. Prajim fiecare parte aproximativ 4-5 minute sau pana cand se obtine culoarea aurie dorita

9. Repetam pasul 8 pana cand toate bucatelele de conopida au fost prajite

Pofta buna!


English version:

These recipes can be vegan if the eggs are replaced with mineral water.

Ingredients for the 3 types of breaded cauliflower:

• 1 cauliflower

• 1 cup of flour

• 1 egg

• 3 tablespoons mineral water

• Breadcrumbs

• Garlic powder

• Salt

• Pepper

• Mix aromatic herbs

• Chili powder - optional (can be replaced with paprika)

How to cook cauliflower in the oven (vegan and oil-free recipe)

1. Wash the cauliflower

2. Break the cauliflower into small pieces

3. Add the cauliflower pieces in a plastic bowl, add 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs, 3 tablespoons garlic powder, chili (optional) and mix well

4. Set the vessel aside for 5 minutes

5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees

6. After 5 minutes, sprinkle the cauliflower with a little water and add another 3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs

7. I mixed the composition by moving the bowl, I recommend you do the same

8. In a tray we place the baking sheet and cauliflower, the breadcrumbs composition left at the bottom of the bowl we placed it over the cauliflower

9. Bake the cauliflower for 25 minutes or until golden. We check the condition of the cauliflower 10 minutes after we put the tray in the oven and adjust the temperature according to its appearance.

Good appetite!

How to prepare cauliflower bread in egg and flour:

1. Wash the cauliflower

2. Break the cauliflower into small pieces

3. Beat eggs in a bowl, season with salt, pepper, mix of herbs and garlic and chili powder (optional)

4. Add a cup of flour to the bowl, mix well

5. In the formed dough (thick consistency) put the cauliflower

6. Put plenty of oil in a pan and turn the heat to low to medium

7. Using a fork, place the vegetables in the hot oil

8. Fry each side for about 4-5 minutes or until the desired golden color is obtained

9. Repeat step 8 until all the cauliflower pieces have been fried

Good appetite!

How to prepare cauliflower bread in egg and flour:

1. Wash the cauliflower

2. Break the cauliflower into small pieces

3. Beat eggs in a bowl, season with salt, pepper, mix of herbs and garlic and chili powder (optional)

4. Put breadcrumbs in a plate

5. Place the cauliflower through the egg then place it in breadcrumbs and cover it evenly

6. Put plenty of oil in a pan and turn the heat to low to medium

7. Using a fork, place the vegetables in the hot oil

8. Fry each side for about 4-5 minutes or until the desired golden color is obtained

9. Repeat step 8 until all the cauliflower pieces have been fried

Good appetite!

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