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Clatite pufoase

Fluffy pancakes

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


· 200-250 g faina

· 200 ml lapte

· 2 oua

· 3 lingurite praf copt

· 1/2 lingurita rasa bicarbonat

· un varf sare

· 3 linguri zahar

· 1 pliculet zahar vanilat/ esenta de vanilie

· 50 grame unt topit- racit

Metoda de preparare:

1. Topim untul si il lasam sa se raceasca

2. Intr-un bol mare de plastic punem faina cu ajutorul unei site

3. Adaugam praful de copt, bicarbonatul, sarea si zaharul

4. Batem ouale si adaugam treptat laptele in compozitie, adaugam zaharul vanilat/esenta de vanilie si amestecam bine

5. Cu ajutorul unui tel o sa combinam ingredientele uscate cu amestecul lichid format mai devreme

6. Dupa ce le am amestecat bine, adaugam untul topit si il incorporam compozitiei. Mixul format trebuie sa fie de consistenta densa, daca este prea lichid, trebuie adaugata faina pana se ajunge la consistenta dorita.

7. Incingem bine o tigaie si turnam compozitia cu ajutorul unui polonic. Clatitele vor creste frumos cu ajutorul prafului de copt si vor fi pufoase.

8. Se pot servi cu fructe proaspete, sirop de artar, crema de ciocolata, dulceata de casa sau cu fructe caramelizate.

Pofta buna!


Versiunea in limba engleza:


• 200-250 g of flour

• 200 ml of milk

• 2 eggs

• 3 teaspoons baking powder

• 1/2 teaspoon grated baking soda

• a pinch of salt

• 3 tablespoons sugar

• 1 small pack of vanilla sugar / vanilla essence

• 50 grams of melted butter

Preparation method:

1. Melt the butter and let it cool

2. In a large plastic bowl put the flour with a sieve

3. Add baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar

4. Beat the eggs and gradually add the milk to the composition, add the vanilla sugar / vanilla essence and mix well

5. Using a whisk, combine the dry ingredients with the liquid mixture formed earlier

6. After mixing them well, add the melted butter and incorporate it into the composition. The mixture formed must be of dense consistency, if it is too liquid, flour must be added until the desired consistency is reached.

7. Heat a pan well and pour the composition with a polish. The pancakes will rise nicely with the help of baking powder and will be fluffy as my pictures.

8. It can be served with fresh fruits, maple syrup, chocolate cream, homemade jam or caramelized fruits.

Good appetite!

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