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Ciocolata Fudge

Fudge Chocolate

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


· 300 grame ciocolata cu lapte

· 300 grame ciocolata neagra

· 600 grame lapte condensat- la conserva


· O lingurita expresso

· O lingurita de sare

· O lingurita de extract de vanilie

Mod de preparare:

1. Ungem o tava cu unt si adaugam hartie de copt care sa acopere bine tava

2. Taiem ciocolata in bucatele mici

3. Intr-o oala inalta punem ciocolata taiata si laptele condensat (din conserva)

4. Pornim focul mic spre mediu si amestecam in continuu pana cand ciocolata s-a topit complet

5. Scoatem oala de pe foc, adaugam lingurita de expresso, sare si extractul de vanilie

6. Amestecam bine si punem continutul din oala in tava pe care am pregatit-o

7. Lasam ciocolata sa se raceasca pentru 1 ora pe blatul din bucatarie- nu se recomanda sa fie pusa tava in frigider/congelator, deoarece exista riscul sa se intareasca foarte tare si devine imposibila taierea

8. Dupa o ora rasturnam ciocolata pe un tocator si taiem cuburi micute

Se recomanda ca ciocolata sa fie pastrata la frigider, se poate consuma in decursul unei saptamani.

Enjoy 😊


English version:


· 2 cups semisweet chocolate chopped, 12oz, 300g

· 2 cups bittersweet chocolate chopped, 12oz, 300g

· 28 oz sweetened condensed milk 2 cans

· 1 tsp sea salt

· 1 tsp instant espresso

· 2 tsp vanilla extract 10mL


1. Line a 9x9 inch dish with foil or sheets of parchment paper. You can use a larger dish like 9x13, the fudge will just be a bit thinner. Give the foil or paper a spritz of cooking spray or a swipe of melted butter to help it peel off later

2. Add all the ingredients except the vanilla extract into a medium heavy-bottomed pot and place on low heat stirring frequently.

3. Once the mixture has thickened and become shiny stir in the vanilla and pour into your prepared dish and smooth with a spatula. Set aside to cool completely, at least an hour.

4. When your fudge has cooled down remove from dish, peel foil or paper off and cut into squares with a sharp knife.

5. You can enjoy the fudge immediately or wrap in parchment or wax paper.

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