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Chiftelute de legume( porumb, ceapa verde si ardei iute)- reteta vegetariana

Vegetable “Meatballs”- vegetarian recipe

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

Aceast preparat este plin de arome naturale. Gustul dulceag de la Porumb si aromele de la ceapa verde alinta papilele gustative. Chiftelutele pot sa fie coapte si in cuptor, fara ulei, insa gustul deosebit este obtinut prin prajire, nu coacere.


· 100 grame Porumb dulce

· 4-5 fire ceapa verde

· 1-2 ardei iuti

· 1 ou

· Sare

· Ulei de masline

· Piper

· Faina- 8-9 linguri

· 50 ml lapte

· Cheddar ras- 20-30 grame

Mod de preparare:

1. Cernem faina si o lingura de praf de copt intr-un bol cu ajutorul unei site

2. Condimentam cu sare si piper

3. Incorporam ingredientele lichide: oul si laptele. Amestecam bine cu ajutorul unui tel.

4. Aluatul obtinut trebuie sa fie de consistenta densa

5. Adaugam porumbul, ceapa verde taiata rondele, ardelul iute taiat marunt si Cheddarul ras

6. Amestecam bine

7. Intr-o tigaie punem putin ulei de masline si pornim focul la intensitate medie

8. Cand uleiul s-a incins, cu ajutorul unei linguri punem compozitia in tigaie. Aranjam aluatul astfel incat sa obtinem forma unei chiftelute.

9. Prajim fiecare parte a chiftelutei 3-4 minute sau pana cand este obtinuta culoarea dorita

Recomand ca aceste chiftelute sa fie servite cu sos de usturoi sau sos de iaurt cu lamaie. Deasemenea pot fi servite cu sos de rosii, dupa prajire le punem in tigaia in care am preparat sosul.

Pofta buna!


English version:

This dish is full of natural flavors. The sweet taste of Corn and the flavor of green onion hug our taste buds. The meatballs can also be baked in the oven, without oil, but the special taste is obtained by frying, not baking.


• 100 grams of sweet corn

• 4-5 green onion rings

• 1-2 hot peppers

• 1 egg

• Salt

• Olive oil

• Pepper

• Flour- 8-9 tablespoons

• 50 ml of milk

• Grated Cheddar - 20-30 grams

Method of preparation:

1. Sift flour and a tablespoon of baking powder into a bowl using a sieve

2. Season with salt and pepper

3. Incorporate the liquid ingredients: egg and milk. Mix well with a fork.

4. The dough obtained must be of dense consistency

5. Add the corn, sliced ​​green onions, finely chopped hot pepper and grated cheddar

6. Mix well

7. Put a little olive oil in a pan and turn the heat to medium

8. When the oil has heated up, use a spoon to put the composition in the pan. Arrange the dough so as to obtain the shape of a meatball.

9. Fry each part of the meatball for 3-4 minutes or until the desired color is obtained

I recommend that these meatballs be served with garlic sauce or yogurt sauce with lemon. Or you can add the “meatballs” in tomato sauce after frying them. This way you will enjoy your “meatballs” with sauce as you did in your childhood. Trip down memory lane 😊

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