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Cartofi noi cu legume la cuptor

Roasted new potatoes and vegetables

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba Romana:

Aceasta reteta poate fi folosita drept garnitura sau fel principal in perioada postului, eliminand sosul de branza si parmezanul.


· 300 grame cartofi noi

· 100 grame sparanghel

· 1 ciorchine rosii cherry

· 1 ceapa rosie

· 1 capatana de usturoi

· 1 lamaie

· 1 ardei iute

· Apa

· Ulei

· Rozmarin proaspat

· Sare, Piper

Optional: Sos de branza cu mucegai:

· 200 ml smantana lichida

· 100 grame gorgonzola

· 50 grame Cheddar

Mod de preparare:

1. Preincalzim cuptorul

2. Spalam si curatam legumele

3. Taiem cartofii, ceapa(in jumatate), cotorul de la capatana de usturoi si lamaia in jumatate

4. Intr-o tava asezam cartofii, ceapa, sparanghelul, capatana de usturoi, lamaia, rosiile cherry, ardeiul iute

5. Punem doua cani cu apa fierbinte, 2 linguri de ulei, rozmarinul, sare si piper

6. Acoperim tava cu folie de aluminiu si punem tava in cuptor

7. Dupa 20 minute scoatem folia de aluminiu si punem tava inapoi in cuptor pentru inca 20 minute

8. Intr-o tigaie punem smantana lichida, bucatile de gorgonzola si cheddar

9. Amestecam pana cand branza s-a topit complet

10. Oprim focul si punem sosul intr-un bol

11. Scoatem legumele din cuptor si garnisim cu parmezan ras

12. Servim legumele cu sosul de branza

Pofta buna!


English version:

This recipe can be used as a side dish or main course during Lent, eliminating cheese sauce and Parmesan cheese.


• 300 grams of new potatoes

• 100 grams of asparagus

• Cherry tomatoes

• 1 red onion

• 1 clove of garlic

• 1 lemon

• 1 hot pepper

• Water

• Oil

• Fresh rosemary

• Salt, pepper

Optional: Blue Cheese Sauce:

• 200 ml double cream

• 100 grams of gorgonzola

• 50 grams of Cheddar

Method of preparation:

1. Preheat the oven

2. Wash and clean the vegetables

3. Cut the potatoes, onion (in half), the garlic stalk and the lemon in half.

4. In a tray place the potatoes, onion, asparagus, garlic clove, lemon, cherry tomatoes and the hot pepper

5. Put two cups of hot water, 2 tablespoons oil, rosemary, salt and pepper

6. Cover the tray with aluminum foil and put the tray in the oven

7. After 20 minutes, remove the aluminum foil and put the tray back in the oven for another 20 minutes

8. In a pan add the double cream, pieces of Gorgonzola and cheddar

9. Stir until the cheese is completely melted

10. Turn off the heat and put the sauce in a bowl

11. Remove the vegetables from the oven and garnish with grated Parmesan cheese

12. Serve the vegetables with the blue cheese sauce

Bon appetite!

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