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Burger vegetarian cu branza pe gratar

Vegetarian burger with grilled cheese

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in Limba Romana:


· Chifle cu susan

· Humus cu ardei copti

· Branza pe gratar

· Rosii uscate

· Ceapa rosie

· Sos de mujdei

· Patrunjez proaspat

Mod de preparare:

1. Pentru a praji branza, o sa folosim o tigaie de tip grill

2. Cand tigaia s-a incins, punem branza

3. Gatim fiecare parte pentru aproximativ 3 minute

4. In alta tigaie caramelizam ceapa rosie pentru cateva minute

5. Taiem chiflele, pe o parte o sa punem humusul, iar pe cealata o sa punem sosul de mujdei

6. Pentru asamblarea burgerului o sa folosim ingredientul principal branza pe gratar, ceapa caramelizata si rosiile uscate

Pofta buna!


English version:


• Buns

• Humus with baked peppers

• Grilled cheese

• Dried tomatoes

• Red onion

• Garlic sauce

• Fresh parsley

Method of preparation:

1. To fry the cheese, we will use a grill pan

2. When the pan has heated up, add the cheese

3. Cook each part for about 3 minutes

4. In another pan, caramelize the red onion for a few minutes

5. Cut the buns, on one side we will put the hummus, and on the other we will put the garlic sauce

6. To assemble the burger we will use the main ingredient grilled cheese, caramelized onions and dried tomatoes

Good appetite!

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