Chorizo Breakfast Muffins
Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.
The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.
Versiunea in limba romana:
· 5 oua
· 2 linguri faina
· 3 fire ceapa verde
· 1 ardei rosu gras
· 100 grame Chorizo
· 50 grame branza Ceddar
· Sare
· Ulei de masline
Mod de preparare:
1. Taiem Chorizo in felii subtiri si il calim intr-o tigaie cu putin ulei de masline
2. Scoatem Chorizo crocant pe un servetel ca sa absoarba excesul de ulei
3. Preincalzim cuptorul la 180C
4. In doua boluri de plastic separam albusul de galbenus. Intr-un bol avem albusul si in altul galbenusul
5. Batem albusul spuma cu mixerul
6. In celalat bol amestecam galbenusurile cu faina si cu sarea
7. Spalam si taiem ceapa verde si ardeiul gras
8. Adaugam legumele in mixul de galbenus
9. Cu ajutorul unei spatule incorporam spuma de albus in bolul ce contine mixul format anterior
10. Taieim branza Ceddar in cuburi micute
11. Turnam in formele de briose mixul aerat
12. Peste fiecare forma o sa asezam chorizo crocant, branza Cedar si ceapa verde taiata marunt
13. Lasam formele in cuptor pentru 10-15 minute
*Aceasta reteta este delicioasa si vegetaria daca eliminati Chorizo
Pofta buna!
English version:
• 5 eggs
• 2 tablespoons flour
• 3 green onions
• 1 red pepper
• 100 grams of Chorizo
• 50 grams of Cheddar cheese
• Salt
• Olive oil
Method of preparation:
1. Cut the Chorizo into thin slices and heat it in a pan with a little olive oil.
2. Remove the crispy Chorizo from a napkin to absorb excess oil
3. Preheat the oven to 180C
4. Separate the egg white from the yolk in two plastic bowls
5. Use the mixer and turn the egg white into foam
6. In the other bowl, mix the yolks with the flour and salt
7. Wash and cut green onions and bell peppers
8. Add the vegetables to the yolk mixture
9. Using a spatula, incorporate the egg white foam into the bowl containing the previously formed mix
10. Cut the Cheddar cheese into small cubes
11. Pour the mix into the muffin tins
12. Over each form will place crispy Chorizo, Cheddar cheese and finely chopped green onions
13. Leave the muffin tins in the oven for 10-15 minutes
* This recipe is delicious also vegetarian by removing Chorizo
Bon appetite!