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Avocado toast cu toppinguri differite

Updated: May 17, 2020

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Aceasta reteta este simpla de realizat si toppingurile pe care puteti folosi pot fi adaptate in functie de preferinte. Astazi va prezint reteta mea

· Tip de reteta: Vegetariana

· Bucatarie: Mexicana

· Timp de pregatire: 10 minute

· Timp de coacere: 5-10 minute

· Gata in: 15-20 minute

· Portii: 2

· Autor: Loredana Gavril

Versiunea in limba romana:


· 4 felii de pâine proaspătă integrală

· 2 bucati avocado

· Sare dupa gust

· Zeamă de lămâie

· Ulei de măsline extravirgin

· Toppingurile folosite pentru aceasta reteta:

  • 2 roșii cherry, 1 bucata ceapa verde, patrunjel verde, sare

  • 2 ciuperci, susan, sare, piper

  • 1 ou, branza Cedar, sare piper

Mod de preparare:

  1. Puneti feliile de paine pe gratar pentru a se praji in timp ce preparati compozitia. Atentie, focul trebuie sa fie mic, iar painea se va pune pe gratar atunci cand acesta este cald

  2. Taiati in doua avocado si scoateti miezul cu ajutorul unei lingurite de lemn intr-un vas de plastic

  3. Pulpa de avocado este stropita apoi cu ulei de masline, amestecati tot cu lingura de lemn pentru a preveni oxidarea avocadoului

  4. Se adauga zeama de lamaie si sare dupa gust

  5. Se intinde un strat generos din compoziția cu avocado pe fiecare felie de paine prajita

Prepararea topingurilor:

6. Topping 1: Intr-un vas de plastic bateti bine ouale impreuna cu sarea si piperul. Compozitia se adauga in tigaie, se lasa cateva momente, dupa se adauga branza Cedar feliata subtire.

7. Cu o spatula de silicon, amesteca ouale cu branza Cedar in tigaie pana cand compozitia s-a separat complet

8. Peste o felie de paine prajita pregatita la pasul 5, se va aseza oul cu branza cedar

9. Topping 2: Spalati ciupercile si le taiati in felii subtiri

10. Se adauga ciupercile intr-o tigaie incinsa cu unt, adaugati sare si piper dupa gust

11. Se vor trage la tigaie pe ambele parti pana se obtine o culoare aurie

12. Se aseaza ciupercile peste stratul de avocado, se adauga susan peste

13. Topping 3: Spalati rosiile cherry si ceapa verde, dupa le taiati in rondele subtiri

14. Se aseaza rosiile si ceapa verde peste stratul de avocado, se adauga patrunjel proaspat peste

15. La final, fiecare felie de paine ce contine toppingurile mentionate mai sus este stropita cu putina zeama de lamaie.


English version:

This recipe is simple to make and the toppings you can use can be tailored to your preference. Today I'm sharing with you my personal recipe · Recipe type: Vegetarian · Cuisine: Mexican · Preparation time: 10 minutes · Baking time: 5-10 minutes · Ready in: 15-20 minutes · Portions: 2 · Author: Loredana Gavril

Ingredients for preparing the avocado toast:

• 2 slices of whole fresh bread

• 2 pieces avocado

• Salt to taste

• Lemon juice

• Extra virgin olive oil

Ingredients for the topping:

 2 cherry tomatoes, 1 piece of green onion, parsley, salt

 2 mushrooms, sesame seeds, salt, pepper

 1 egg, Cheddar, salt, pepper

Method of preparation:

1. Place slices of bread on the grill to fry while preparing the avocado composition. The grill pan must be hot when you add the bread.

2. Cut into two the avocado and remove the core with a wooden spoon in a plastic bowl

3. The avocado pulp is then sprinkled with olive oil, mix also with the wooden spoon to prevent the avocado oxidation

4. Add lemon juice and salt according to your taste

5. Spread a generous layer of avocado composition on each slice of toast

Preparation of toppings:

6. Topping 1: In a plastic bowl whisk together the egg, salt and pepper. The composition is added to the pan, leave a few moments, after adding the thin sliced ​​Cedar cheese.

7. With a silicone spatula, mix the egg with Cheddar cheese in a pan until the composition has completely separated.

8. Over a slice of toast prepared in step 5, lay the egg with cedar cheese

9. Topping 2: Wash the mushrooms and cut them into thin slices

10. Add mushrooms to a frying pan with butter, add salt and pepper to taste

11. The pan will be pulled on both sides until a golden color is obtained

12. Place mushrooms over avocado layer, add sesame over

13. Topping 3: Wash the cherry tomatoes and green onions, then cut them into thin rounds

14. Place tomatoes and green onion over avocado layer, add fresh parsley over

15. Finally, each slice of bread that continues the topping mentioned above is sprinkled with a little lemon juice and fresh ground salt.

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