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Biscuiti fara zahar cu unt de arahide

Cookies without sugar and peanut butter

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:


· 1 galbenus

· 1 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu

· 5 linguri unt

· 1 lingura apa

· Putina sare

Mod de preparare:

1. Preincalzim cuptorul la 180C

2. Topim untul intr-un ibric pana cand untul devine brun

3. Lasam untul sa se raceasca pentru 10 minute intr-un bol de plastic

4. Adaugam siropul de curmale, galbenusul, apa si mixam cu ajutorul unui mixer pentru doua minute

5. Adaugam o parte din faina, bicarbonatul de sodiu, sarea si amestecam bine cu o spatula

6. Treptat incorporam restul de faina

7. Punem o foaie de copt intr-o tava si cu ajutorul mainilor formam bilute pe care le punem in tava la o distanta de 2 cm

8. Lasam tava in cuptor pentru 20-25 minute

9. Scoatem biscutii si ii lasam sa se raceasca

10. Cand biscuitii s-au racit punem unt de arahide pe unul din biscuiti si apoi punem un alt biscuite peste

11. Repetam pasul 10 pana cand am format sandwich-uri cu toti biscutii


Versiunea in limba engleza:


· 1 yolk

· 4 tablespoons date syrup-

· Creamy peanut butter-

· 7 tablespoons whole wheat flour-

· 1 teaspoon baking soda

· 1 teaspoon Cacao-

· 5 tablespoons butter

· 1 tablespoon water

· A little salt

Method of preparation:

1. Preheat the oven to 180C

2. Melt the butter in a kettle until the butter turns brown

3. Let the butter cool for 10 minutes in a plastic bowl

4. Add the date syrup, yolk, water and mix with a mixer for two minutes

5. Add some flour, baking soda, salt and mix well with a spatula

6. Gradually add the rest of the flour

7. We put a baking sheet in a tray and with the help of our hands we form balls that we put in the tray at 2 cm

8. Leave the tray in the oven for 20-25 minutes

9. Remove the biscuits and let them cool

10. When the biscuits have cooled, we put peanut butter on one of the biscuits and then we put another biscuit on top

11. Repeat step 10 until we have formed sandwiches with all the biscuits

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