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Tagliatelle Quattro Formaggi la cuptor

Updated: May 17, 2020

Baked Tagliatelle Quattro Formaggi

Reteta este scrisa in limba romana si in limba engleza.

The recipe is written both in English and Romanian.

Versiunea in limba romana:

· Tip de reteta: Vegetariana

· Bucatarie: Italiana

· Timp de pregatire: 15 minute

· Timp de coacere: 30 minute

· Gata in: 45 minute

· Portii: 3

· Autor: Loredana Gavril


· 300 gr Tagliatelle proaspete

· 500 ml Smantana lichida de gatit

· 150 gr Gorgonzola Picante

· 100 gr Mozzarella Bufala

· 50 gr parmezan

· 50 gr Cedar

· 3 Rosii uscate

· 2 catei de Usturoi

· Ulei de masline

· Sare

· Piper

Mod de preparare:

1. Punem pe foc o oala cu apa, adaugam sare si preincalzim cuptorul la 180C

2. Taiam rosiile uscate si usturoiul si le adaugam intr-o tigaie, focul trebuie sa fie mic pe toata perioada pregatirii sosului

3. Adaugam putin Ulei de masline din borcanul cu rosiile uscate si le calim pentru un minut

4. Treptat adaugam Smantana lichida si amestecam bine

5. Taiem branzeturile in cuburi micute

6. Vom adauga Mozzarella si lasam 2 minute sa se topeasca in Smantana lichida

7. Treptat adaugam Gorgonzola si branza Cedar asteptam 1 minut sa se topeasca si incepem sa amestecam bine

8. Sarea si piperul sunt adaugate in sosul obtinut

9. Adaugam pastele in apa ce a inceput sa fiarba si le lasam sa fiarba pentru 3-5 minute

10. Finalizam sosul Quatro Formaggi, adaugand branza Parmezan feliata subtire

11. O sa strecuram pastele de apa si le adaugam peste sosul nostru

12. Intr-un vas termo rezistent vom pune Tagliatellele Quattro Formaggi si la final vom pune un strat din sosul nostru

13. Introducem vasul in cuptor pentru 10-12 minute

14. Scoatem vasul si lasam sa se racoreasca cateva minute

15. Garnisim cu ceapa verde sau chives sau patrunjel verde si parmezan ras

Pofta buna!


English version:

• Recipe type: Vegetarian

• Kitchen: Italian

· Preparation time: 15 minutes

· Baking time: 30 minutes

· Ready in: 45 minutes

· Portions: 3

· Author: Loredana Gavril


• 300 gr Fresh tagliatelle

• 500 ml Double cream

• 150 gr Spicy Gorgonzola

• 100 gr Buffalo Mozzarella

• 50 gr parmesan

• 50 gr Cheddar

• 3 Dried tomatoes

• 2 cloves of Garlic

• olive oil

• Salt

• Pepper

Method of preparation:

1. Put a pot with water on the fire, add salt and preheat the oven to 180C

2. Cut the dried tomatoes and garlic and add them in a pan, the fire must be small throughout the preparation of the sauce

3. Add a little olive oil from the jar of dried tomatoes and claim them for a minute

4. Gradually add the liquid cream and mix well

5. Cut the cheeses into small cubes

6. Add Mozzarella and let it melt in liquid cream for 2 minutes

7. Gradually add Gorgonzola and Cheddar cheese, wait 1 minute for it to melt and start mixing well.

8. Salt and pepper are added to the sauce obtained

9. Add the pasta to the boiling water and let it boil for 3-5 minutes

10. Finish the Quatro Formaggi sauce, adding thinly sliced ​​Parmesan cheese

11. Will strain the pasta and add it over our sauce

12. In a heat-resistant dish we will put our tagliatelle Quattro Formaggi and at the end we will put a layer of our sauce

13. Add the dish in the oven for 10-12 minutes

14. Remove the bowl and let it cool for a few minutes

15. Garnish with green onions or chives or parsley and grated Parmesan cheese

Good appetite!

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